3 eleutheromania

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- (n.) an intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

) an intense and irresistible desire for freedom

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richie had it amazing at home. a loving family that laughed at all of his inappropriate jokes, a mom that packed his lunch in brown paper bags and a dad that took him to the arcade and learned him how to shave, even though richie's only fifteen years old.

eddie? eddie did not have the same luck. his mom was a widow, his late father frank had left him when he was only two years old. he didn't miss him, for he didn't even remember the man he was taught to call father.

his mom, sonia was in one word manipulative. and in three a manipulative bitch. she made him swallow pills that did nothing but make him even sicker. she got the poor boy to believe that he has asthma. she a very bad mother to eddie, anything but the loving, kind, accepting and supporting mom the boy desperately needs and deserves.

'so, eddie-bear, how are things in school?'

'uhm great momma!'

'and with your...friends?'

'uh, billy's great, and uh stanley as well!'

'i heard that you have been hanging around richie tozier lately! now, eddie bear, you know how i feel about that... skanky boy! i do not want you to speak to him! ever again eddie!'

'yes momma.'

'now, off you go to school!'

'yes momma. i'll see you tonight.'

'straight home, huh!'

'oh, and eddie!'

'yes, momma?'

'today, you can skip school lunch, i've noticed that you have become a little bit chubby... now i do not want a fat boy for a son... and tonight, i'll just give you some carrots, that will do... maybe we should consider putting you on a diet and-'

but eddie doesn't hear her anymore. tears are blurring his eyesight, and he feels like he finally has enough. this was it.

eddie found out his pills were placebos a very long time ago, he must have been eight or nine when a lady at the drugstore told him. he never even tried to tell his mom, because he didn't know what she might do. what she might say. where she might hit him.

he sees the losers before they see him and he already knows he'll have a hard time holding his shit together. eddie wipes away his tears, and hopes no one talks to him until he feels a little better.

'and there we have spaghetti man! heya- woah, eds, are you okay?'

he looks at richie, stares right into his eyes, and he doesn't feel the usual butterflies. richie touches his shoulder, no fire crackling. eddie is not okay.

'e-eddie? hey...', richie is taken by surprise as the tiny boy collapses in his arms. he starts sobbing.

'ruh-richie..', bill's voice dropping with pity and concern.

'it's okay guys, i'll handle this, go ahead, we'll catch up!'

'better not be late to math again, trashmouth!' stan tells.

the losers all start heading to their classes, assured that richie will take care of eddie.

richie helps eddie get to the empty bathrooms on the second floor. he does not stop sobbing, and richie is seriously concerned.

'hey, spaghetti, what's up?'

'i-it's too much rich. i can't do it anymore!', he manages to strangle out in between his sobs.

'is it sonia again?', richie whispers. despite their newfound romantic feeling towards each other, they've always been best friends. they have always known everything there is to know about each other.

eddie feels safe in richies arms. happy. richie was more family to him then sonia. richie meant the world to eddie, but how the hell was eddie supposed to know that richie felt the exact same way?

richie had a great family, and a great life, yes. but he had noticed that he always felt happier around eddie. richie never talked about it, but sometimes, late at night, he was haunted by his own mind and he had very dark thoughts racing through his brain. a year ago, it was the thought of his parents, or of bev that made these demons go away.

lately, it had been eddie.

how are u guys doing? :)

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