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(adj.) unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvellous

'suh-suh-so, what shall w-w-we do huh-now?', bill asked, clearly tired.

stan looked at bill with heart eyes.

'maybe we could just go to sleep, and tomorrow we could get up early and watch the sunset in the quarry?'

everyone thought it was a great idea. ben, who came up with it, set the alarm clock to 5 a.m., and everyone started crawling in their sleeping bags. ben laid next to bev, and stan laid his sleeping bag next to bill's. they were not even trying to hide it, at this point.

just as mike was about to turn off the lights, bev said 'wait, where the fuck are richie and eddie?'

'maybe tonight is the night that something's finally happening between the two of them?'

'i huh-hope so... richie's been telling me how much he likes eddie...'

'wait, eddie has been telling ME about how much he loves richie!'

stan and bill are looking at each other, so they both knew about the crushes and didn't ever mention it to each other...

'they're probably making out on the roof right now!', mike said


'bev, c'mon you cannot just watch our best friends make out! that's disgusting, like wh-'

richie and eddie both slipped in the room, obviously hoping that their appearance would go unnoticed, but, allas...

'why the fuck is everyone looking at us?', eddie whispered.

'i don't know, eds, im just fucking beautiful, everyone knows that, don't y'all?'

everyone looked up at them, and then they just sort of collectively decided to not mention anything about what they all knew happened on the roof.

'l-listen, guh-guys, let's g-g-go t-t-t-'

stan put his hand over bill's, and helped him finish his sentence :'let's go to sleep'

bill offered hi a smile that contained so much love.

(A/N SORRY SORRY i know this is a reddie fic but i couldn't help it. my two babies stand and bill aw)

'okay, losers, goodnight!', ben said, as he was about to turn off the lights.

eddie and richie had just laid their sleeping bags next to each other, and they both just could not stop smiling. everything about the other was perfect in their eyes.

'GOODNIGHT FUCKFACES!!', richie yelled, not being able to resist the temptation of insulting their friends. normally, eddie would've slapped him, but now he just slightly caressed richie's face with his hand.

'goodnight, 'chee'

richie could swear he felt his heart melt. he almost couldn't resist the temptation of kissing eddie infant of all the other losers, even though the lights were turned off. almost.

he just settled with intertwining his own fingers with eddie's, and a sweet 'goodnight, love' back.

tImE sKiP

'okay, let's roll, motherfuckers!'

'richie, i think i speak for everyone if i tell you, shut your fucking mouth!'

'whoopsie, bill, stan's on his man period! no action for you between the sheets tonight, sir!'

stan slapped richie on his head, but bill merely smiled. 'aw, rich, don't say that'

eddie and richie left for the quarry first, apparently because they wanted to 'fetch eddie's tape of REM at his place', but they all knew eddie always carried his REM tapes everywhere he wen. they were just hoping they wouldn't walk in on anything too graphic when they arrived, except for bev, of course.

A/N okay sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, but i just didn't wanna include more than two chapters about the whole losers club...

i think there will be like 3? more chapters, ending included!

big hug, marie

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