9 nyctophilia

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(n.) love of darkness or night, finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness

'eds?', he head richie's taps on the window. eddie took a deep breath in, this. this is everything he'd ever hoped for. so he couldn't fuck it up.

he opened his window.

'hey uh rich', and eddie couldn't seem to shake the stupid grin of off his face, so he decided he would just leave it be.

richie climbed clumsily in eddie's room.

'woah', richie whispered, as he looked eddie up and down. that brought a blush on eddie's already naturally red cheeks.

'what?', the boy asked, still blushing furiously.

'you just, uh, you look so good. you are the most beautiful boy on this earth, honey'

eddie felt familiar flowers bloom up in his chest, and when the shorter boy reached forward, grabbed richie's shirt and kissed him, he definitely felt sparks on his lips and butterflies in his stomach.

'so, where are we going, tozier?'

'we're gonna watch a movie in the aladin!'

eddie's eyes grew wide, richie knew how much he wanted to see dirty dancing, with was playing this evening in the movie theater.

'oh my gosh, let's go, 'chee!', and before they both climbed out of the window, eddie planted a sweet kiss on richie's cheek.

eddie installed himself on the bagage rack of richie's bike, and they were of on their first date. neither said it, but it was obvious that both boys were very nervous. once they arrived in the movie theater, richie bought the both of them popcorn, and they got seated on the last row. eddie grabbed richie's hand when the lights went off, and richie intertwined their fingers. he was glad it was completely dark in the theater, he could hold eddie's hand without getting dirty looks from anyone.


'richie, this was awesome! did you see that, the lift? and you know, "no one puts baby in a corner"? it was amazing, thanks, 'chee', eddie spoke excitedly. the shorter boy had really enjoyed the movie, richie a little less, but anything for eddie.

'yeah, i liked the soundtrack, too'

'let's get you home, huh, kaspbrak?', richie said as they approached his bike.


before richie could get on his bike, eddie grabbed the front of his shirt and gave him a kiss.

'thanks for this, 'chee. i loved it'

'anything for my spaghetti'

and they rode to eddie's home, eddie's arms firmly around richie's waist, and his head leaning against the taller boy's back.

when they arrived at eddie's place, Richie walked him to his front door, as he felt a real gentleman would do.

'thanks for this, Richie, I really really enjoyed it!'

'and I really really enjoyed you, buttercup!', and the taller boy leaned down to kiss the shorter brunette, who instantly melted into the kiss.

'call me?'

'you already know I will, spaghetti', and Richie blew a kiss in eddie's direction, got on his bike and disappeared into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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