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(adj.) love-struck

'hey eddie, wuh-would you like to come huh-hang out at my place this e-e-evening? huh-were going t-t-to watch a muh-movie'

eddie huffed. he'd love to go, he truly did! but he'd just been grounded for life.

'i'm sorry, bill, but i was just grounded for eternity, so i'm not sure that i'd be able to get out of here...'

he heard whispering at the other side of the line, and then another voice came on.

'listen my dear fellow, i shall do anything it takes to get you here! now, pack a big, go over to yer window and get reddie to get saved by your knight in shining armour!'

the line disconnected, and eddie couldn't help but blush. he does that every time he hears richie, even when he's doing weird accents.

'who was that, eddie?', his mom waggled into the small hallway where the only phone in the house stood on a little table, to make sure that eddie couldn't call anyone without her permission.

'uhm, it was just bill, ma. he asked if i wanted to come over to study.'

sonia came closer to eddie, and roughly grabbed his wrist. eddie squeaked. 'and what did you tell bill?'

her grip on his poor wrist became tighter and tighter, the look on his mothers face became darker and darker. 'i told him i was grounded!'

she came closer, and whispered: 'and did you tell him why? because you betrayed your own mother? because you can't even stick to one simple agreement? because you are a dissapointment!', she released his wrist : ' because you are, edward. you are a fat, egoistic little queer that does not deserve any of the love i am giving you! do you hear me, eddie!'

'get out of my sight. no dinner for you.'

he hadn't even had breakfast, or lunch.

tears welled up in the poor boy's eyes. he hurried to his room, determined not to give her the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

he broke down on his bed, sobbing into his pillow. he knew it wasn't a good coping mechanism to just eye-pee on your pillow, but it was the only thing that made eddie feel even remotely better. just as he remembered that he was supposed to gather a bag and somewhat clean himself up, he heard a pebble hitting his window.


he had allowed himself to break down in front of richie yesterday, and he didn't want to seem like a weak, small boy. so he tried to wipe away his tears, got up from his bed and opened the window to let richie in.

'hello, darling! here is y-', richie turned around to face eddie :'woah eds, what happened?'

eddie realised his eyes were probably all red and puffy. shit.

'uh, nothing, nothing, i'm fine!'

'come here', and richie gave eddie a hug.

and eddie cursed himself. cursed himself, because he was breaking down again. he started sobbing, and buried his face in richies neck. richie just kept whispering 'it's okay, its okay' in his ears, and kept rubbing his back comfortingly.

he got eddie to sit down, and took his cheeks into his hands.

'what's happening, spaghetti head?'

eddie huffed, looked richie in the eye and said 'its my mom, she-', he started sobbing again. 'she said i was disappointment, and a f-fat little queer.', eddie looked down again.

a look of shock was displayed on richie's face. if he had the nerve, he would've gone straight (nOt sO mUch ;) downstairs, and he woud have kicked her ass. but he didn't have the nerve, and eddie, beautiful eddie was crying in his arms.

'that's utter bullshit! you-you know that, right, spaghetti? you're awesome!'

'thanks rich, but you don't have to lie, it's okay'

richie couldn't believe it. he understood that eddie was hurt that she said shit like this, but the fact that he was actually convinced that these nonsense were true? it moved richie, deep in his heart.

because eddie kaspbrak was the purest, pretties, brightest, sassiest person he'd ever encountered. eddie was the one that made his life worth living. whenever richie listened to love songs when he was young, he'd never truly understand them. until he realised that eddie was exactly everything that the songs described, eddie was the light of his life. and to see the light of your life, your definition of perfect cry because he believes he's worthless? that was an emotion that richie couldn't quite process.

'eddie, you are amazing. don't let her tell you any different, ever. she's just a psychotic bitch. has she been feeding you more pills again?', richie asks, eyeing the bottle of pills on eddie's desk.

'yeah, she has.', richie opened his mouth to make a comment, but eddie placed a finger on his lips. 'i don't wanna think about it right now, though. at school yesterday, bill mentioned something about the breakfast club?', eddie changed subjects fast. richie knew he was gonna do it, but he also knew that he shouldn't push him.

richie pasted on a smile, and decided that it would be best if he simply acted like he always does.

'now, c'mon then, get of yer lazy buttocks, and pip pip and tally-ho!'

eddie couldn't help but giggle. he grabbed his inhaler and after a short hesitation, also his pills. he opens the window and climbes out, following richie to his bike.

eddie knew that, by the end of the night, he probably would've told richie everything. it didn't matter now, though.

ooff okay this is the longest chapter so far!! 944 words, whattttt?

also, i'm just writing as i go on, so that means that the is the most chaotic storyline ever. doesn't matter, because im planning on writing tHe kiSs soon :)

hugs, marie

ps: how are u all doin'?

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