4 kalopsia

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(n.) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are

) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are

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richie woke up the next morning, groggy as usual. he grabbed his glasses that rested on his nightstand, and started to see more clearly. he got out of his double bed, and started his morning ritual: having a smoke. (A/N yes, yes richie smokes. i felt intimidated by all the other cool grunge richie's from other pics, and because i made him have sweet parents, i decided to make him smoke!)

right as he was about to open up his window very quietly, he didn't want to disturb the little boy that was still sleeping, he heard a faint 'goodmorning rich', and he saw eddie get up.

richie immediatly started blushing.

'good morning, eds'

'ugh don't call me that.'

'sorry eddie'

eddie huffed contently

'spaghetti', richie said under his breath

'OKAY YOU ARE GOIN DOWN', and eddie aggressively grabbed a pillow and started to attack richie.


'hey eddie, are you going home? do you want me to drop you off?'

'uhm, yes please.'

richie got his bike and eddie hopped on. even though richies home was in the opposite direction, he was happy to drop of eddie. he wanted to make sure he was okay, and he wanted to make sure that sonia wouldn't do anything to hurt eddie.

as they approached eddie's home, richie felt his grip on his stomach getting tighter and tighter.

'richie, i don't wanna go'

richie stopped his bike. the next house was sonia's.

'okay, i'll tell you what. i will be waiting outside, in front of your bedroom's window. if after dinner, you still want to get out of there, you'll clim down and we'll crash at my place, 'kay?'

eddie slowly nodded. 'okay. thanks , 'chee'

richie gave a little encouraging nod as eddie walked up to his front door.


shit. eddie and richie were behind schedule, eddie had to come hom strictly at 3:40 everyday? he looked at his watch, and yes, it was 3:43.

'sorry, ma, i had to ask the teacher a question, i didn't-'

'what is going on with you edward? hanging out with that tozier boy, gaining so much weight and now this? you are going to bed with no dinner. and no breakfast, either tomorrow morning! in fact, i don't even want to see you tomorrow morning. i want you to leave early for school.'

there wasn't even school tomorrow. it was a friday.

'yes, ma', eddie felt his tears coming. but he couldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing him cry. never. just as he was about to go to his room, he heard her call his name again.

'EDWARD! YOU ARE FORGETTING YOUR PILS! i popped by the pharmacy this afternoon, and apparently these make you loose weight! this, and halving your meals should just do the trick! dry swallowing, of course. go ahead, don't just stand there.'


'so, eddie, what shall we have for breakfast? it's a saturday, we could go to the diners if you'd like?'

eddie thought about what his mother had been telling him. it is true that he had been gaining weight, and he noticed his shirts were grown a bit too small...

'i-i'm not very hungry, thanks though, richie.'

A/N eek i hate thissss

how was ur day?

hugs, marie

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