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(n.)lit. "sanctuary"; an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, that reminds you that you are safe and loved, even in the darkest of times

'h-h-hi, eddie and richie! suh-so which movie d-do you wanna wuh-wuh-watch?', bill asks, still with a slight stutter.

'uhm, it doesn't really matter to me, honestly... just, nothing too scary', eddie speaks, as he follows bill to the living room.

richie quietly chuckles. ' nothing too scary, huh, spaghetti?'

eddie looks up at him, with a look of anger, amusement and something else richie can't quite place.

richie and eddie take place on the couch, next to ben. beverly isn't there yet, mike is sitting on the floor and bill and stan were nowhere to be seen.

'huh', said mike, i wonder where they went all of a sudden?

ben coughed, and richie wiggled his eyebrows.

eddie had the feeling he was missing something, so he tugged at ben's sleeve and asked 'what do you guys mean?'

'we mean that they're obviously fucking, just like me and your mo-', richie was interrupted by a door opening, when stan and bill both entered the room again.

stan's lips were red, and bills hair was sticking out in places where it's usually neatly tucked in.

'suh-suh-so, stan, the bruh-breakfast club?', bill asks, clearly trying to mask his embarresment.

'yea, sounds good!', stan says, as his face starts to redden.

the doorbell rang again, and everyone in the room jumped up. ben yelled 'I'LL GO!', and got up from his seat at the speed of lighting.

'woah, i've never seen haystack move that fast!', richie whispered in eddie's ear, earning a bang on the head from eddie. 'shut up, richie!'

'so, boys, what are we doing?', beverly walked into the room, and ben followed her quickly after, eyeing her like a pup.

'w-w-we thought we m-might watch a muh-movie?'

'yes, the breakfast club? is that cool for everyone?', stan held up the disk for everyone to see.

a murmur of 'yes' and 'great!' sounded through the room, and stan popped the disk in the tv.

'has anyone got any popcorn? i'm starting!', bev asked, and again, ben she up to his bag.

'h-here you go, beverly', and he offered her a bag of popcorn, as red as a tomato.

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