8 love

6 0 0

(n.) what richie and eddie have together

(A/N sorry no aesthetic gif for the beginning of this chapter)

'so, spaghetti, i, uh, wanted to ask you something'

richie sounded very nervous through the telephone.

'uh, shoot'

'okay, have you got anything planned for, say, tonight?'

was this what eddie thought it was?

'uh, no, nothing except my mom yelling at me...'

'i'll pick you up at seven at your window, be there or be square!'

and richie hung up the phone, probably too nervous.

eddie squealed happily. richie and him, on an actual date. together!!

he immediately picked up the phone, and rang another number.

'bev speaking, who's this?'


and he slammed the horn on the receive, expecting bev to arrive in less than five minutes.

and yes, not even two minutes after his call, he heard a knock at the front door.


eddie just grinned, and let a panting bev in his house. his mom was gone for some shopping, so he could use the phone freely.

'okay, so, basically, richie asked me ON A DATE and i have like no idea what to wear!! so i'm going to need every fucking little bit of help i can get!!'

bev squealed the way eddie had squealed five minutes prior, and jumped up. grabbing eddie's hand she lead him to his room and started rumagging through his closet.

eddie took place on his bed, that had baby-blue covers. his whole room was painted white, even though he'd always wanted a pink room. there was a window to the right of his bed, and his desk was organised very neatly. next to it, there was a closet with eddie's most prized possessions: his records of queen and fletwood mac, his diskman and boombox and his numerous poetry books, and also some books he got from ben.

'here! what about this?'

bev pulled out of his closet with high-wasted jeans, a baby blue sweater and a shirt with a collar.

'oh, bev, i don't know...', he knew the fit was cute, sure, he just wasn't too sure if he'd feel comfortable in it...

'ah, shush, just put it on, kaspbrak!', and she pushed him in the direction of his bathroom, that was just like his bedroom: neatly organised, with touches of baby blue.

bev gasped as soon as he came out, 'woah, you look FENOMENAL!'

eddie blushed, but secretly thought so, too.

'okay, we have to do your hair like, now! it's almost six o'clock! when is your mom coming home?'


'okay, then let's do your hair, shall we?'

she pushed him into the bathroom once more, and started brushing through his hair with her fingers. the last few months, eddie had started to grow his hair out, it now fell in loose waves and reached to his ears.

'we'll go for a fluffy, yet slick looking uh look!'

and when she was done with brushing his hair, and putting a 'dab' of this and a 'dash' of that in it, she left the bathroom.

'admire yourself, eddie. i know you can be insecure sometimes. but look how pretty you are!'

and she left the bathroom. it was the first good look that eddie got at himself in weeks. he had been avoiding mirrors like the plague since it just hurt him see exactly what his mother meant when she said he was fat.

now, it was different though. he looked at his face. soft brown eyes, freckles dancing around his nose and some on his cheeks, and his hair looked amazing. exactly the kind he meant, fluffy and still very slick. his body was concealed under the big baby blue sweater, so he didn't even need to worry about that. it brought him to tears that he finally liked the way he looked.

'aw, eddie, don't cry! it's almost 6:45 now, i should get going...'

eddie hugged bev goodbye at the front door, once again thanking her for her help.

eddie truly had the best friends.

once he was back in his room, he started looking for his high top converse, and once he had them on, he cuffed his jeans. it was now 6:55, and given that richie was ALWAYS late, he grabbed his boombox and his tapes and started playing his favourite queen song.

can anybody

find me

somebody to


right when the song came to its end, he heard a pebble hitting his window...

a/n okay this is the cutest effing shit i've written in a while.

y'all ain't reddie for the fluff in the next chapter, im promising y'all!!!

hugs, marie

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