Chapter 2- Arachnophobia

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  Feeling my eyes roll into the back of my head a white hot pain came over me causing my body to jerk in all directions possible, tears stung my eyes as my vision went black and the pain subsiding.


  Looking around me all i see is darkness, hands in front of me i feel for any sign of an object nearby, touching what feels to be a brick wall i sigh out in relief until bright lights penetrate my vision showing me what i was actually touching.

  Screaming i fell backward swatting at my arm and hands trying to get the things off me, cobwebs wound around my ankles pulling me into the building filled with spiders. Panic instantly arouse in me, tears pooling onto my lash line whilst i pushed my fingers into the dirt below me trying to get away.

What kind of sick joke is this? Why are they using my fears on me? What did i do for this.

Realising im still getting pulled i dug harder trying to find anything sharp enough so i could cut the webs away from my ankles, feeling the spiders crawl across my skin i cringed and pushed harder to find something, anything to help.

Thats when i spotted it, a piece of glass sticking from the ground under a broken window by the cobweb wall, grabbing it i spun over and started sawing at the webs breaking bit by bit off of myself before finally coming free, standing up i ran as fast as i could before falling onto my knees and puking up.

Even my vomit was spiders. Backing up i looked around for a way out but spotting nothing i sat there with my knees tucked into my chest hoping for this nightmare to end.

Waking up, i thought i was at home in bed, but i was actually hidden under a bush in, yet again, complete darkness. Wiping the dried tears and crust from under my eyes i started to stand and head in the direction the lights were hours earlier.

Pinching at my ankles cause me to start running, falling over rubble and branches in get to something steel, felling around i start looking for a groove or any thing that could help me find a way out. Finally feeling a ridge i followed it until i came to a door handle.

Here goes nothing, pulling the door i pause as i see a hospital room, thinking im back in where i started off i rush forward hearing the door slam behind me before the searing pain started again.

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