Ch. 5: Home

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Jade's POV

   We pull into the drive way of a gigantic house.

   "Are we making a pit stop?" I ask Jen.

   "No, like I said we're going home." She smiles, showing all of her perfect teeth. I look at her while confusion runs through my mind.

   "How long will I be here?"

   Still siting in her car. "Well, look, honey... I-I adopted you... Don't be mad at me but I feel like I know you okay? I feel as if this was supposed to happen! Like- like a twist of fate!"  she says, looking into my eyes searching for dissapointment but when she finds none she smiles again.

   "Should we head inside?" she asks.

   "Sure." I get out and walk to the front door. She pulls out the key and unlocks the huge door.

  "Welcome home!" She says ecstaticly.

   I walk through the door and gasp in admiration of what I saw.

   "Walk upstairs honey. The bedroom to the left will be your room."

   "Okay," I reply.

   I run up the stairs to my room and jump on top of the bed in there. It's perfect. It has black wooden dressers, a white wall with black designs on it, a flat screen TV, and a Mac computer with a desk and chair. Also I notice its own bathroom and its own walk in closet. I break down in tears on the bed.

   Jen storms in at the sound of me crying. "What's wrong?"

   "This is just more than I could ever ask for. Thank you." I say.

   "Oh baby..." Jen comes and lays down. I embrace her and cry into her. It's weird. There's this thing. A feeling. Like she's something more to me than this.

A Twist of Fate( adopted by Jennifer Lawrence )Where stories live. Discover now