Ch.12: Leaving part 1

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Jen and I got up around 12:00 in the afternoon. We were sitting eating pizza from papa johns, when my mom starts a conversation, "You know I have to film Mockingjay. Right?" "Oooh yeah. When do you leave? Where will I go? Don't leave me Mom!" I say in a hurry. "Well," she starts "Josh and I leave Tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't wanna leave you,but I don't know what Francis will say. I mean I'll call him. " Jen says dialing the director.

"So are you and Joshipoo a thing?" I ask. "Well, kinda I mean , maybe. We are..I don't...he hasnt asked me out yet. I guess we aren't. " she says. "Well. I DECLARE HIM MY DAD! MWAHAHHAH" She chases me around the house she starts tickling me and in between I gasp for air. She stops and says "YOURE TRAVELING WITH JOSHIE AND I"

A/Nhappythanksgiving!!! Here'satreat!!! this was supposed to be updated yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!

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