Ch.25: Josh to the Rescue

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       JENS POV

        I sob into my couch where Jade and I used to have movie dates, or eat our dinner, or just cuddle happy to be in eachothers embrace. I remember laughing till I couldn't take it anymore. I remember stroking her long blonde hair. Now all of that is just gone. I know she is thinking about me. She is thinking how bad of a mother I am. How this is all my fault. I can't blame her though because it is my fault. I left her in the car ALONE for over thirty minutes. I blame myself and no one else for Jade being kidnapped. I'm still bawling my eyes out when there is a knock at the door. In between sobs I manage to say "It's open." In storms Josh. 

 "Jen, I am so sorry I took so long! I truly am! Traffic was terrible." He says while walking over to me. "Jen, you look terrible." he says. "WELL THANKS."  "Honey, you know I didn't mean it like that. Yeah, Jade missing is breaking my heart and I could bust out in tears any moment. But I wont. Jade would want us to be strong. And you and I know that sitting around crying isnt gonna change a thing. I think a shower would make you feel a bit better?" I sigh. "I guesss you're right." I head upstairs and pick out a black thin, longsleeved, shirt and some gray sweat pants and underclothes and a towel and walk into the bathroom. 

        Once I feel the hot water, I feel a little bit better. Not much though. I cry and let the tears fall sown my face and role down my chin. Out of no where, I get dizzy. I haven't eaten or drunk anything all day, I threw away the McDonalds. Next thing I know my head hits the tub, and I hear screaming and footsteps running up the stairs, but then  darkness takes over my vision.

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