Ch.21: McDonalds

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        After Jen was done filming her scenes, hop in the car and try to pick somewhere to eat. Josh had to film some more scenes and him and Jennifer have to be seperated for three whole days. I know this will be really hard for Jen because that goodbye kiss was really something.

        "Mom? Where do you wanna eat?" I say. "Ummm. How bout Mickey D's?" She says. I nod my head in approval and jam out to Nicki Minaj. We pull into the drive through and order Big Mac meals. We wait for like 20 minutes until Jen yells out in frustration. "REALLY? REALLY! JADE I'M GOING INTO GET THE FOOD! I'LL BE BACK IN FIVE MINUTES." She yells and slams the door. She REALLY must miss Josh. 

        I lie my head down on thewindow while my stomache growls. I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep. After like, 15 minutes, I wake up thinking why isn't Jenny in the car when I realize I'm not in the car. I honestly don't know where I am.

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