Ch.17: Emotions

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Jades POV

I wake up from a nightmare about Jason. It was so frightening. Tomorrow I get to meet my tutor. I have to learn and I have to travel with Jen, so my tutor, Mr. Travis, is going to be traveling and teaching me. I won't be alone though, Natalie, who plays Cressida, is bringing her nefew because Natalie's sister and her sisters husband are in the military and she has to watch him.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock on the door. I hear my mom get up to answer it. Knowing her I assume it's food, so I get up and walk out my room and I'm in the hallway when I hear its not takeout or room service. It's a man. I pause in the hallway and listen. James is is name.... and he's my father. Jen is getting upset, I can tell. Then BAM! The door slams shut. Wow, Jen's got guts.

I go into my room and slip my laptop out of my baggage. I look up Jennifer and James. At first I can't find anything! Then I do. Old pictures of Jen like fourteen hanging out with "James Franco" He looks too old for her but I can't really tell...

Lying in my bed, I start to cry. What if he tries to take me away from my family? What about this Christina character? What if he tries to hurt my Mama. I can't lose these people. They are all I have. They are all I need.











A/n sorry for not updating yesterday!!!! I'm so happy its almost Christmas break, because I'll be able to get on a laptop and make longer chapters with fewer mistakes. Finals have me pulling out my hair!!!! Good luck my fabulous readers on all your exams or  Tests this week!!! Today I had to take my Algebra exam and my Honors Biology exam!!! Tomorrow French 1 and AP Human Geography.

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