Ch. 24: Try

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••••Jades PoV

When I finally actually realize what has happened, I start to cry. I don't know where I am, but I know it's not with Jennifer like it should be. She's my rock, my best friend, my everything, my mother. I think that's one of the worst things that can happen, losing a mother. Before I knew Jen, I constantly thought that no one loved me and no one ever could. I sat on the cold hard ground thinking why was I even living this life. There was nothing for me. No love in my life. And now that that has been ripped away, that mothers love, my heart has a missing piece that only Jen has.
It doesn't take long before I break down crying. Jen must feel awful, like its her fault. I know it's not but she doesn't. I try to get up, but as soon as I do there is a chain on my ankle that's stopping me. I start screaming, but no one comes. there is no one to rescue me. I feel a lot like Peeta did lying down in that lake. You just feel so helpless, waiting for death as if it was your new best friend.
From what I can tell, I think I'm in the basement. I really am around six feet under huh. It's storming outside. I hear the crackling of lightning over head. I sit there crying thinking about how good you can have it and then it be gone in an instant, When BAM! The door flies open. I hear panting and I hold my breath. Light illuminates the entire basement. "AHHH!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE!" says a boy. "YOU THINK I'M VOLUNTARILY DOWN HERE CHAINED UP?" I yell. The boys fave changes. "Do I know you?" He says. He does... I remember him. He's the boy who saved me from a pervert in an ally. "um.. I don't think so." I say. "Can you help me?" I speak up. "ALEXANDER KING TERRY! GET UP HERE!" A woman calls. he gets a worried look and heads upstairs. I am once again left alone.


A Twist of Fate( adopted by Jennifer Lawrence )Where stories live. Discover now