Chapter Fifteen

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Sebastian’s P.O.V
A few days later
    It has been a few days since everything happened and Elena has been very close and watchful to the twins and I have also noticed that there were a bruise or two on their foreheads but that was about it, but all I cared about was that they were alive.  Since we got Rosanna and Josephine back I could tell that Elena has been in a very good mood and I was glad and it made me happier now that I saw her in the living room playing with them and heard the giggles from my babies for the past few days when I came home from work.
    Today when I came home from filming with Anthony and I didn’t Elena or the twins so I decided to look around the house until I got to Elena and I’s room to see the three of them asleep on the bed and it made me smile and I walked over to them and kissed their foreheads and decided to make dinner for us. About halfway through making lasagna for dinner, I felt arms wrap around my waist and turned around to see Elena in one of my shirts that always looks like dresses on her and some short sport shorts and after putting the lasagna in the oven I turned around and hugged her tightly and protectively and continuously planted kisses around her face and heard a few giggles from her and I grabbed her face in both of my hands and looked into her eyes, “I love you and our baby girls and I would do anything” I said and kissed her deeply as my hands slowly slid down to her waist and before we got any further, we heard the twins start crying
Elena’s P.O.V  

One Year Later 
    It’s been about a year since I had the twins and we decided to have a few of Sebestian’s friends that he works with at Marvel and I decided to invite my friend Maria over to meet the twins since I haven’t been able to see or talk to her in awhile since she helped me get ready for the Avengers movie premiere. I have been going back and forth from checking the kids to cleaning the house, while Sebastian was out getting a few things for when people come over later. About half an hour later Sebastian walked through the door with a few bags in his hands and I walked up to him and grabbed a bag or two and set it on the kitchen table, "how are the kids doing" he asked, "they have been good all day, their playing in the living room right now," I said as he walked up to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips and we started getting everything ready and organized for when people started showing up. 
      It's been about an hour and the first person to show up was Sebastian's mother,  and she went straight to the girls and gave them kisses before coming back to us and gave Seb and I, a hug after setting food down on the counter in the kitchen, "Sebastian told me everything that happened about what happened between your Ex and him kidnapping the twins a year ago and I wish that I could have done something at the time but I didn't know until about anything that happened until I heard it on the news about a day or two later, and Sebastian and I have been texting back and forth ever since" she said and gave me a hug, "it's better now, the twins were fine thank God and that there wasn't a scratch on them, but it's all in the past now and I'm hoping to forget it soon" I said as I giggled softly at the last part, not long after Chris came walking through the door with a present in his hands and Anthony came in not long after and also held a present for the girls in his hands. After a while, most of the people that Seb works with at Marvel came.

Time skip
    The day was coming to an end everyone has already left and said their goodbyes and I had finally put the girls to bed and went into the living room and plopped myself on the couch after getting into some pajamas and Sebastian did the same not long after and I decided to cuddle up to him and let out a heavy sigh and he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist, “Well today was eventful” I hear Sebastian say and I smile and nod in agreement as I started getting tired and as I started to doze off I felt Sebastian carry me to our room and laid me down carefully and got into bed next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer and we both fell asleep.
    The next day I woke up and saw that Sebastian wasn’t there and I decided to get out of bed and check the girls room and saw that they weren’t there either and walked into the living room and saw the twins sitting in their high chairs facing the T.V as the cartoons were on and saw that Sebastian was in the kitchen making pancakes and I walked up behind him and hugged him from behind and smiled to myself and he turned around and hugged me back and kissed my forehead we started cutting up a pancake that were already done and some fruit and put half of each on each of the twins plates and gave it to them and they started eating and so did Seb and I. when we were done eating, I went into Seb’s and I’s room to grab a folder that had the wedding Ideas that I had recently started planning after because of everything that happened with my Ex-boyfriend Kai and went back into the living room and placed everything on the coffee table as Rose and Jo were in their bouncers with the cartoons playing. After about half an hour of figuring out the planning for the wedding, Sebastian sat down next to me and looked at what I’ve planned out and I turned my head to see a smile on his face as he’s looking through everything, “have you thought of a date for it yet,” he said as he looked at me, “no, not yet but I hope that it will be soon though to be honest with you,” I said and we both let out a chuckle and I rested my head on his shoulder feeling happy and thought about how everything is going to be all right from now on. For the rest of the day we just relaxed and spent time Rose and Jo until Sebastian came into the room with a smile on his face, “I’m taking you on a date later tonight, and I’ve already got it planned out, I’ve got Scarlette and Elizabeth coming over later to watch the twins so you don’t have to worry about finding someone to watch them, we have reservations at a restaurant at around 7:30 and Scar and Lizzie will be coming over before then to watch the twins while you and I get ready if that’s alright with you” Sebastian told me and I agreed and told him that it was alright with me.
It was around 5:30 and Scarlette and Elizabeth came in after I had opened the door and letting them in and told them that I was going to get ready for Sebastian’s and I’s date tonight. When I finish up getting ready I checked the time and saw that It was around 6:45 and I walked out of the room and saw Sebastian wearing a nice red shirt, a pair of black jeans and black shoes and I decided to wear a red dress and shoes and before we left I went over to the twins that Scar and Lizzie were holding and kissed them both on the cheek and left and made our way to the restaurant and had an amazing night and when Sebastian and I got home, we saw Rose and Jo fast asleep in Scar and Lizzie’s arms as they were sitting on the couch watching T.V before they turned to us and we brought them to their room came back to the living room and said our goodbyes after talking for a while and Seb and I decided to take a shower together and when were done getting changed we watched some T.V in our rom until we both fell asleep and a smile grew on my face.

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