Chapter Nineteen

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Sebastian’s P.O.V
It has been five days since Rose and Tom left for their honeymoon and she’s sent us the occasional text that she’s having a good time and that she’s doing alright. Until she sent us a text earlier today saying that she’s not feeling good and that she’s been throwing up in the morning, and that they are going to be taking a flight back home today and that they are going to be home in a few hours and when those were finally up, Rose and Tom came walking through the front door and Elena and I saw how tired Rose looked and she was brought up stairs by her mother and I walked over to Tom and gave him a pat on the back and we both sat down on the couch, “how long has she been throwing up for” I said as he looked towards me and I could tell that he’s worried that something might be wrong, “she’s been throwing every morning for three days now” he said and the only thing that popped into my head was that she might be pregnant, “have you considered the thought that she might be pregnant, have you guys been intimate at all while the both of you were on the trip” I said and he nodded and looked down as if he did something wrong, “hey don’t worry, I’ll see if Elena can go to the store and grab a few pregnancy tests when she’s done with Rose alright and when she out doing that you and I can go check on Rose alright” I said to him as I put my hand on his shoulder as I reassured him that everything is going to be alright. 
After Elena was done with Rose, I walked up to her and told her what could possibly be happening, “hey, tom said that she has been throwing up in the morning for a few day’s and my thought when he told me that, is that Rose could possibly be pregnant, so do you mind going to the store with Jo to get some pregnancy tests” I asked Elena and she nodded as a smile grew on her face and she grabbed her purse and went with Jo to the store and I brought Tom to Rose’s room where she was relaxing as she watched something on her T.V and Tom walked over to her and when she saw him, she moved over making room for him to lay down next to her, “I’ll leave you two alone” I said as I walked back into the living room and decided to watch some T.V with Hayden. After about an hour, I turned around as I heard Elena and Jo walking through the door, “are they both in her room” Elena said and I nodded and she walked over to her room and walked in and Jo went with her as I continued to watch T.V with Hayden for a little while longer.

Elena’s P.O.V
As I walked back into the house after getting Pregnancy tests for Rose, I asked Sebastian if they were both in her room and he nodded and I waked over and as I knocked on the door and heard her say that I could come in and I opened the door to see her and Tom laying in her bed as she was cuddled up to Tom and A smile grew on my face at what I saw, “I got a few thing for you, they’re pregnancy tests for you to use” I said to her as I gave her the bag and he got out of her bed and went into her bathroom to do what she needs to do as Tom and I sat on the side of her bed and talked about how their honeymoon was and how they had a good time until she walked out of the bathroom after about ten to fifteen minutes with all four tests in her hand and she looked up at us with a surprised look on her face until she finally said it, “I’m Pregnant she said after a few minutes and I instantly jumped to my feet with joy as I hugged her tightly because of how excited I was, and then we noticed Tom was still sitting on the bed, “tom are you alright” I said to him, “ya I’m alright, I’m more than alright actually, I’m happy” he said as he looked up to me with a few tears streaming down his face as a smile grew on his face and he finally got up from the bed and hugged Rose as he lifted her from the ground and spun her around in happiness.
After a few minutes we finally head out to the living room to see Sebastian, Jo and Hayden sitting on the couch together as Sebastian had his arms around the both of them and the three of us stood in front of the T.V with smiles on our faces, “we have a surprise for you guys” I said and looked over to Rose and she told them, “I’m pregnant” she said and Sebastian got up from the couch and walked over to Rose and gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head and went over to Tom and gave him a hug also and went they broke away from the hug Sebastian looked at Tom with a smile on his face, “I know the both of you are going to be great parents” he said to him as he patted him on the back and Jo and Hayden gave the both of them hugs and said congratulations to them and we all sat in the living room and talked about what names they liked and what they wanted to name it if it was a boy or a girl. After a long decision, they finally chose a name for either gender, “so what names have you decided to pick” Sebastian asked, “well, I was thinking for a girl it would probably be, Charlotte Rose Holland and for a boy I was thinking maybe Lucian Samual Holland” Rose answered  and we all smiled and we all talked for the rest of the day until I decided to start making dinner and Jo asked to help make it with me.
When dinner was done, we all sat down at the table and ate as a family and had an amazing time as we talked about what Rose and Tom were going to do now that they are expecting, “so Tom, what are you guys planning on doing now that you guys are going to have a baby” Sebastian said as we all were finishing up our food, “well, we were planning on looking for a place first with just enough space for the three of us and then we’ll see what happens from there I guess” Tom answered and we all got up and put the dishes in the sink, “hey mom do you need help doing the dishes” I hear Rose say as I entered the kitchen and I smiled as I looked over at Rose, “if you want to, then sure” I said and came and stood next to me as she grabbed the towel that hung on the stove handle and started drying the dishes that I have already done and when we were done, we went into the living room with the rest of the family and decided to watch a movie and about halfway through the movie Hayden was already passed out on the couch and Sebastian offered to put him to bed and we all decided to do the same after we all got changed into our Pajamas and Seba and I fell asleep instantly.
Nine Months Later
Rose’s P.O.V
    I’m about nine months pregnant and I'm about ready to pop at any moment and we decided to keep the gender a secret until the baby was born. I’m cuddled up next to Tom on the couch watching T.V until I felt a sudden pain that made me jolt forward and cry out, “Rose what’s wrong, Is everything alright,” Tom said and I looked at him, “I think my water just broke” I told him and he went to go tell my parents who were sitting in the kitching having a coffee and they came rushing over to me and helped me up from the couch as tom went to my room to grab the hospital bag filled with the stuff that we needed and brought it to the car before helping me in and he sat next to me trying to keep me calm until we finally made it to the hospital, I was rushed to a room and they set me up with an IV and a few other machines that keeps track of my heart rate and other things and it was finally time to push as Tom was sitting next to me as he held my hand and told me that everything is going to be alright and that I’m going to be ok. After hours of pushing, I finally gave birth to my little baby girl Charlotte Rose Holland and all I did was look at her in adoration as I gently rubbed her cheek and occasionally kissed her nose and my parents finally were able to come into the room with Josie and Hayden following them, and I looked up to them with the biggest smile on my face, “meet Charlotte” I said as I offered my little girl to my mom as she looked at her with love in her eyes, “hey Tom, when are your parents coming by” I asked him, “soon, they are on the plane now with my brothers” he answered and kissed my forehead, “you did good princess” my dad said and I smiled, “well we should probably get going soon, you look tired” my mom said and I nodded, “let them meet their niece first before you go” I told my mom and she nodded.
My parents and my brother and sister left and I fell asleep after hearing Tom say something, “I love you, and our princess more than anything in this world and I promise to Protect you and our daughter with my life” he said quietly and I smiled and finally fell into a deep sleep after seeing that Tom was holding Charlotte and that he loves her more than anything and I couldn’t be more happier with the life I have.

Elena’s P.O.V
 We left the hospital because Rose was getting tired from all the pushing she did, and arrived home knowing that I have a beautiful Granddaughter, and before I left I took a few pictures of Tom holding his precious little girl and I did the same with Rose when she held her and I spent most of my day looking at them and thought about getting them printed and framed and hanging them in the house, and doing the same for Rose and Tom for them to hang and they told us that by the time she woke up, Tom’s family had just arrived at the Hospital about an hour or so after she had gotten up from falling asleep due to being exhausted and they finally got to meet the baby. It has been a few months since Rose gave birth and her and Tom finally found a place for them to live on their own and they had already had their stuff brought to the house and all the things that were ordered for the babies nursery already at the house for them to unpack and we all headed out there to help them and Tom’s family came out to help with the move also so it was quicker for Rose and Tom. After hours of unpacking we were finally finished and we all decided to sit down and relax for the rest of the day and after a while of relaxing, Rose was finally able to put Charlotte down for her nap and came back into the living room after putting Char into her crib.
After spending time with Rose and Tom for a while Sebastian and I decided to head home with Hayden and Josie for the night as it started getting dark out and Toms parents did the same and went back to their place that they had recently moved into also from England so that they were able to be closer to them.we finally arrived back to our place and as we walked inside we all decided to go to bed early. As I layed in bed, all I could think about is how my babies are growing up so fast andI didn’t notice that I started to cry until Sebastian said something, “hey sweetie, is everything alright” he asked and I look up to him and smiled, “ya I’m fine, i'm just thinking about how our babies are growing up too fast, that’s all” I said and saw him smile as he kissed my forehead, “I know, I think about that all the time now that Rose had a kid of her own and the other two will to someday, but everything will be alright, I’m sure they know that they are still our little girls and our baby boy” he said sounding reassuring as I finally started to fall asleep

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