I can't.

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I grab my bags and turn the lights of my classroom off. It's been a long day and I'm dreading talking to Dixon. I don't know what he's here but it can't be good.

I walk to the front where Nick is waiting to pick me up.

"Hey Nick." I say with a smile as I slide in.

"How was work darling?" He asks kindly.

"It was long." I tell him.

"I heard a certain someone is here." He says low.

"Yeah. A certain someone decided to watch me teach all day." I mutter.

"What's he want?"

"I don't know. I told him I'd talk to him when I got home."

"Want me to watch Kole for you?"

"If you would. I don't want him to hear me yell and cuss." I say sweetly.

"I'd do it anyday. Kole's a good kid."

"He's a perfect baby. Nicky my baby is already 3 months old." I complain.

"It doesn't seem like I've been turned down that many times." He jokes. I hope.

"Nick. You know I'm still trying to get use to being on my own."

"But you're not alone Lacey. You have me and Kole."

"You know what I mean Nick." I say as I drop my head.

"I'm sorry Lacey. I know I'm probably driving you insane."

"It's okay Nick really. Just drop me off at my house. I'll talk to Dixon and cook you a big meal and you can stay over." I compromise.

"You've got a deal." He says with a smile I know that he's faking.

He stops at my house and I kiss his cheek before saying goodbye and walking to the house. I pause at the door. I shouldn't be scared to be alone with Dixon in my own house. He doesn't have the advantage anymore.

I walk in and set my stuff on the table.

"I'm home." I announce to the seemingly empty house.

I walk to my room and pull my jeans off. I jump into some sweats and take my shirt off. I unbuckle my bra and slide a sports bra on.

"I've missed this. Just looking at you." Dixon say suddenly making me jump.

"You don't get to say that to me." I say rudely as I find a shirt to put on over my bra.

"Is that my shirt?" Daryl asks. I look down at the shirt I threw on and I want to hit myself. Of course it had to be this shirt.

"Don't know." I say.

"We both know good and well Lacey. That's my shirt." He says as he quickly pulls me into his arms.

"Stop it Dixon." I command as I try to push away. He holds me tightly and I just give up the fight.

"We need to talk." He says as he lets me go.

"Come to the living room then." I say as I walk away from him.

I sit on the couch and he sits across from me.

"The disease is spreading. I can't control it. I need your help to come up with a plan." He says.

"I have Kole Dixon. The most I can do is create the plan." I tell him.

"Lacey I need your help." He begs.

"Dixon I have a baby I have to take care of. I have a job. I can't drop it all just because you decide you need help." I snap.

"Bring him with us then." He suggests. Like hell I will.

"I'm not putting Kole in danger on purpose you asshole."

"Then let your boyfriend take care of him for a week. That's all I'm asking for. 1 week."

"No Daryl. That's the end of the conversation."

He looks at me and my walls fall to pieces. That's how he use to look at me. That was the look.

"Stop it now. It's not fair of you to ask me to do this." I say as I look away from him.

I feel the couch move and I know he has moved beside me. I can feel his warmth and the familiar urge I have to grab him. I can't deny my feelings for him. They haven't went away and I don't they will. 

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