The Major Issue.

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I dress quickly in some presentable clothes and when I'm done I kiss Daryl and find Mason still training.

"Mason!" I call out from the door.

"What!" He yells back.

"Come here!" I yell tiredly.

I watch him jog to me and stop.

"What's wrong?" Mason asks.

"There's something wrong with the survivors. Someone came and woke us up." I tell him as calmly as I can.

"Woke you up?" Mason asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh shut it." I say rudely before walking away.

What's his problem with pointing out my sex life and whatnot?

Daryl meets me at the door to the hallway and we wait for Pope.

"Daryl do you think everything's okay?" I ask nervously.

"Well even if it's not then they're in rooms they can't get out of. We're safe." He says low.

I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest. He pulls me in tighter. He makes me feel like we're indestructible when we're like this. I don't know what this feeling is called. Whatever it is, I don't want it to go away.

When we hear a cough, we know it's Mason. We pull apart and I grab Daryl's hand. He opens the door and pulls me out and Mason follows. We walk quickly down the hall to where the hospital part is. A doctor waits for us.

"Mr. Dixon." The doctor says as he holds his hand out.

"Dr. Steward. What's wrong?" Daryl asks as he shakes the doctor's hand.

"Well they're all infected sir. We were waiting for them to turn but they haven't. They're showing no symptoms." He says confused.

"It could take up to 2 days for it to show, you know this. Is there any wounds on them?" Daryl asks.

"None that I've seen." The doctor says.

"And the pregnant one?" Daryl asks.

"She's due any day now. We don't have the stuff to check on the baby though. She refuses to let us take a sample of the baby's blood." The doctor tells him.

"Give her an ultimatum. We induce her unnecessarily and keep the baby or we take blood to do a test." Daryl says rough.

"You can't do that Daryl." I say low.

"She's willingly putting that baby in danger. She doesn't deserve it anyways." Daryl says and drops my hand.

"What if the baby is infected?" The doctor asks.

"We'll have to do what needs to be done." Daryl says and starts to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I ask as I grab his arm.

"To my room." He says roughly.

"What about me?" I ask rudely.

"Do what you want." Daryl says and walks away, easily pulling out of my grip.

I watch him walk away and turn the corner.

"Would you like to stay for the results Mrs. Dixon?" The doctor asks me.

"I'm not Mrs. Dixon. And yes I'll wait."

"I'll be with you as soon as she makes her decision." The doctor says before walking away.

"Wow. What's Dixon's problem?" Mason asks from beside me.

"Your guess is as good as mine." I say frustrated as I slump into a seat.

"We could be here a while, you know that right?" Mason says as he sits beside me.

"Yup." I say as I tilt my head back.

"Are the plans the same for tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yup." I say and close my eyes.

"Do you wanna be left alone?" Mason asks.

"For gods sake, yes." I say grumpily.

"Okay." He says and finally shuts up.

I don't know why I'm so grumpy. I don't know why Daryl is being so rude. I don't know how this baby is gonna be. I just don't know how things are gonna play out. I don't know.

"Miss?" I hear a small nervous voice say.

"What?" I ask as I open my eyes and look at her.

"The pregnant woman y'all brought in, is going into labor." She says.

"She refused the blood test?" I ask shocked.

"No she agreed to it. We got all the stuff ready and she started having contractions." She says.

"Why can't you take a blood test now then?" I ask confused.

"Well it seems that she's been having contractions for a while." She says softly.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Her water broke before y'all brought her in. She swears she had no idea. She thought the contractions were just the baby kicking or Braxton hicks." The nurse explains.

"I'll tell Daryl." I say as I stand up.

"Ma'am?" The nurse asks.

"What?" I ask as calmly as I can.

"The woman probably won't make it. We don't have all the proper equipment here." The nurse tells me sadly.

"Oh, okay." I say with a frown.

I turn away from her and walk away. That poor baby will either be killed or orphaned and there's nothing I can do about it. There's nothing anyone can do.

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