Dear Old Letters,

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Another day of draining my energy out of my whole body.

6 days left until the turn over event of the CEO. Everyone is excited for it. They are so intrigued for the new CEO's future plans for this company. Well, I am more curios about Seokjin's plans for this company rather than excited.

Namjoon will arrive today. I am still confuse about his sudden decision of going back in Korea. He's not replying on my text either. I hope everything's okay.

It's lunch time. As usual, me and Soo Yun are eating our lunch at the cafeteria. It's been a while because we always eat outside just to avoid everyone from the company.

The cafeteria was pretty packed and lot of people are busy talking and eating at the same time with their colleagues.

Not long after, I saw Seokjin in my peripheral vision. I know he's looking at us. I am pretty sure that he's also walking towards our table.

"Can I talk to you?" He said. Me and Soo Yun looked at each other.

"Me? Or Y/n?" Soo Yun asked him.

"Y/n." He answered.

"Well, we are listening." Soo Yun stated as she put the chopstick down on the table, ready to listen.

"No. I need to talk to Y/n, privately."

Soo Yun rolled her eyes. "Okay fine. You can go now."

I stood up from the table while looking at her, still confused. Why did she let me talk to him privately? Gosh.

I followed Seokjin outside the cafeteria where no one was around. The surroundings outside the cafeteria was more quiet since it's lunch break.

"What is it?" I asked him with an annoyed tone.

"I just want to let you know that I am not a hunter of girls." He said.

"What? What do you mean?"

"And also, I didn't walk around the school like I am the most handsome person alive." I looked at him with a confused look. "I also chew with class, just so you know."

"What are you even saying? I don't get you."

"That's what you told me in your letter."

"Letter? I didn't write any letter for you?" Well, yeah I wrote a letter but it was a loooong time ago.

"Yes. You did." He answered.

He pulled something on his coat.

An old letter.


That's my letter. My envelope, handwriting, my paper and pen.


"It was on my mail this morning."


"I don't know! But it doesn't matter. I just hope that you're not roaming around telling those things to other people especially inside this company."

My body is starting to shake a little bit. My hands are sweating. No. This is a dream. Someone please pinch me or punch me on my face. This is just a dream, right? I closed my eyes and I'm hoping that the moment I open it, I am still in my bedroom.


Shoot. It is not a dream!

I open my eyes. I am not dreaming. This is my reality.

"W-well. You know that was an old letter, right? That was million years ago. I don't even remember that letter exist."

It is much better if the ground open up and eat me alive. I don't want to be here anymore. I just want to escape and live nowhere to be found.

Damn. Is this a prank? It's time for the cameras to finally reveal and the cameraman will say that it's just a prank and our day will be back to normal and I will go home without any problem and... AGHH!

"You know that I wrote that letter a really long time ago." I said calmly but I swear my mind is in chaos now.


"Like, years ago."

He nod.

"Seriously, I wrote that letter when we were in high school. You know, when our mind are as immature as ever because we're young and dumb? I don't even know who sent that to you. Can I see it?" I tried to grab the letter from his hand but he snatched it away from me.

"Nope!" He stretched his right arm and put the letter up. "I'm gonna keep it. It is my first time receiving something like this." Then he grin. That Kim Seokjin grin. I hate that.

How the fvck am I gonna reach that letter? He's like 5' 10" tall!!!

I tried my best to grab it from him.

"Okay! Okay! Here!" He surrendered and gave it to me.

I quickly grabbed. "Thanks." My hand is trembling really hard.

"Wait." He said. "I didn't mean to steal your first kiss—"

I laughed loudly. A fake laugh. "Apology accepted! That was all in the past!" Then I run fast. I run faster that I've ever run all the way to the nearest girl's wash room.

I entered the girl's wash room and checked if someone's inside the stalls. Luckily, no one was there. I locked the door and I leaned on the wall while catching my breath.

I don't know why is this happening to me.

I experienced a lot of embarrassing moments in my life but this one is different. I just want to disappear this instant.

My body shrink to the floor and I opened the envelope. After so many years, I re-read my letter again.

My heart was beating fast while reading it not because I'm flustered but because I am so embarrassed with what I wrote in that letter.

Why did I brought up that kiss?!

He saw all of this shit. I am doomed. This is a nightmare.

I tried really hard to calm myself. I inhaled all the oxygen inside the girl's wash room to calm myself but nothing is working.


What if...

What if my other letters were also sent out to others? Those seven letters? To Min Yoongi, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok and... Namjoon

Oh my gosh. Namjoon.

This time, my soul almost left my body.

I have to find my box.

Namjoon is back here in Seoul. I am sure of it.

I looked at my clock. It's already 1pm.

He's already here in Seoul.

This is bad.

Really really bad.

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