to new beginnings

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two months later

two months later

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In the last two months, things have changed in my life for the better and I want to thank God for making these things happen in my life. Without god, I wouldn't be where I am now like what Future say... Life Is Good.

When I returned home after staying with Bryson, that's when my sperm donor beat the hell outta me that day and I couldn't even go out looking the way I was looking if I'm being honest. When Arianna or Bryson called me to hang out then I would tell them that I couldn't cuz I was sick or some other reason. I honestly didn't want them to see me like this, to be honest.

There was one time when Bryson had his gut feelings when something isn't right. I didn't know he was going to pop up on me but he did. When I looked through the peephole because he was on the other side ringing the doorbell while calling my name out. I just stood there at the door letting the tears ran down my face til he finally decided to give up. I watched him walk towards his car and drive off causing my heart to break.

I opened the door and looked down to see that it was flowers and a beautiful pink bear on the porch. As I picked them up, that's when something told me to check my surroundings to notice his all black out mercedes was two houses down from me. He was leaning on his hood while watching my ever move then I glared at him one last time before the tears started falling down my face.

One thing, that alot of people may not know is that one of my younger cousins on my dad side is sadly deaf so the family had to learn sign language for her. I had taught Bryson sign language cuz he thought it was cool and shit. I told him thank you in sign language and he gave me a nod. I closed the door and slide down the door while the tears keep running down my face begging that God would get me out this situation. 

They always say that God puts his strongest warrior through the toughest battles, but I need him to get me out of this tough battle, please.

He heard all of my prayers and a couple of weeks later, I moved into my brand-new apartment that is in Massachusetts and only Arianna and Bryson know where l live right now.

When they called me letting me know that I got the apartment and was able to move in like i packed everything that I wanted to bring with me and left the things that I couldn't bring with me. Once I had everything packed in my car then i quickly wrote a letter for my father.

Dear Dad,

                    I just want to tell you that I can't do this anymore. After mom was sadly killed, you have changed into a man that isn't my father. You claim that you love me but if you really did then you wouldn't come home drunk and beat on me. Someone who loves someone would never do this to them. Mom would feel hurt and disappointed that the man that she was supposed to get married to in two weeks beat on an angel that they brought into this cruel world called earth. I want my dad back, the man that wouldn't let nobody hurt me. The man who would take his two favorite girls out and put a smile on both of their faces. The man that I once called my hero. That's the man that I truly need and always needed in my life to help me out. You were the same man that taught and showed me how a REAL man should treat his lady. I need that father future in my life to guide me through my problems with men. I will never be the same now I may put a smile on for the world but deep down that doesn't change the fact that the man that I once called my father, hurt me and broke me down. In the future, I may forgive you but I will never forget what you put me through. I really do love you dad but I gotta do what I need to do. I will be back, I promise but I really want you to get help not just for me but for mom, please. I left a heart necklace on your bed so when you open the heart, it's a picture of mom and I now I want you to keep it close to your heart. I also have a heart necklace with you and mom that I will always wear to remember you both. I really hope you do right after reading this letter. I love you forever and always.

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