pop off, maybe?

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Five days later - Saturday

Five days later - Saturday

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It has been five days since I got that note along with roses from someone which happened on Monday now I have been even more opened to my surroundings. I haven't told anyone about it yet because I thought maybe it was sum stupid ass kids playing around but I honestly didn't take it to the heart.

On Wednesday, I was on my way to work when I came across another note with two black rose on my car. Now this note had "see you soon love" but I was honestly trying to think bout who knows where I live like none of the other niggas that I was fucking with tho. The only people that really know where I put my damn head is Arianna, Bryson, Jaybee and Zach.

Now realizing that after I met Zach the notes started happening and when I met Bryson's girl or whatever that bitch is then things started to happen and shit. Zach and Tyaeja don't even know each other so it can't be both of them, to be honest.

Whoever is coming after me can't come after me cuz I'm a bad bitch and you can't kill a bad bitch da fuck but anyway if I get another note then I will most definitely tell everyone.

For right now, I need to find some proof to make sure that Zach and Tyaeja aren't the ones doing all this shit. Even though, I hate the wicked witch of the west so much now if I find out that she is the person behind this whole thing then you already know that bitch is dead.

I looked at my phone to notice that it was 2:45 in the afternoon now Zach had invited me along with everyone to this party in Brooklyn but my gut is telling me that something might just pop off later tonight.

I text everybody in the group chat earlier today to see if they weren't busy and wanted to come to this party cuz you are not going to catch me at sum party without my fucking people, to be honest. That's how you get fucking kidnap and shit like in them damn movies.

Since the party starts at 8 tonight, the gang and I are supposed to hit the mall around 3:40 now realizing that I need to hurry up because I damn sure don't wanna deal with Bryson fucking mouth today. I already cleaned my apartment this morning along with took a nice hot shower so all I needed to do is pick out an outfit. While I was making my way towards my clothes to hear my phone ringing which caused me to walk back to grab it. Now it was Jaybee ass so I was going to ignore it but I decided to answer him.

"Boy what the hell yo ass want?" I said walking to my closet

"AYYEEE AYYYEEE sis cut da bullshit now I don't got time for it today cuz all a nigga tryna do at this party is get lit and fuck bitches, type what?" Jaybee said loudly

"TYPEEEE SHITTTTT BRUDDDAAAA but forreal what do you want? I said grabbing an outfit

"We are on our way to get yo ass now you betta be down in the fucking lobby when we get there or Imma get my belt to light yo monkey ass the hell up sistuh" Jaybee said aggressively

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