the news

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5 weeks later


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The last couple of weeks has been truly rough me but other than that not able to hold shit down at all. Life has been really good since Bryson and I made it official like it feels that everything that I ever asked for is finally coming back together again.

So I haven't been feeling the bed like anything that I eat comes back up and I have been hating sum of the food that I always loved. It's kinda weird cuz I have these odd craving the last couple of weeks, to be honest. I think I have a stomach bug cuz that stupid bitch had the stomach bug now I think Arianna gave me the same shit. But Arianna and Keisha think that I am pregnant but I don't think so cuz Bryson used a condom when we were at the hotel, right?

It was currently 7:54pm and I was in the kitchen cooking sum dinner for my man so when Bryson come back home from the hosting job that he had at the club then he can just hear his food up in the microwave.

"Baby... I'm bout to head out so come give daddy sum love" Bryson said loudly

"I'm coming Bryson" I said turning off the stove

That's when I ran towards him and jumped on him which caused him to pick me up.

"Do you really have to leave babe?" I said looking at him

"I wish that I didn't have to leave you mamas but daddy gotta make this money" He said rubbing my ass

We started kissing each other for a hot minute til he pulled away.

"Aite now text me or call me if you need anything and Bobby should be outside" He said looking at me

"Okay babe now have a good night and wash yo fucking hands before you start touching shit in my damn kitchen" I said following him

"Aite mamas now I love you princess" Bryson said walking out

"I LOVE YOU TOO DADDY" I said loudly

Bryson turned around towards me to point at me with a smirk on his face.

I stood in the doorway watching him get in the sprinter with his niggas while they all were telling me what's up and shit. Once Bryson was in the sprinter, they pulled out of the driveway and started their journey towards the club.

2 hours later

I was sitting in the living room watching The Proud Family while eating dinner til all my attention went towards the front door where someone started banging on it. I just sat there because Bobby will handle whoever is banging like a fucking crazy person. I went back to watching The Proud Family til that person started talking from behind him which caused me to jump off the couch onto the floor.

"DAMN BITCH... why the fuck yo ass ain't open the door for me?" Arianna said loudly

"YOU SLOW HOE now you usually call or text me letting me know that you are coming over and shit now if you didn't know that it is 9:53pm at FUCKING NIGHT. Now who is going to open the fucking door for someone who is just banging on the door aggressively and shit" I said shaking my head

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