Tough beginnings

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Emily's POV

My old mentor always told me to keep my head down and to never interact with villages unless needed, but he never told me that Cyclopes won't stop following either...

I ran as fast as I could trying to lose the monster trailing me so closely, always barely missing me with his club.

I knew for a fact he was immune to magic as long as he held that club within his grubby hands.

I was so busy focusing on my pursuer that I didn't see the village I was approaching until it was too late.

" RUN RUN RUN LETTLE MAGE" he taunted then realized where we were.

My heart froze noticing as well and I watched the monster laugh and stop within it's center, his single eye gleaming in delight at the new things to eat.

I stood, terrified, because I had wasted my magic during his attack by the cave, and couldn't help until I rested, and that for sure wasn't going to happen.

The village people scattered while another person ran forward, and by the look on her face... Another wizard..

I ducked behind an abandoned marketplace to recover, praying I could get at least some of my mana back before it was too late.

I heard the monster laugh and the other wizard yell what I knew to be star spells.

The battle went on for longer then I wished for it too and I was beginning to fear the worse.

"Three stars! Bull!" She yelled and I hissed under my breath. Didn't she know that Cyclopes were immune as long as they wield their clubs!? She kept using them!

"Three stars! Orion!"

Another spell..

I heard a crack and froze, imagining the worst sight of the wizard as the Cyclops laughed.

"Leetle baby mage, can't even defend yourself, let alone this village."

It was my fault this monster was here, and this wizard was going to meet her death if I didn't help soon.

"I am the patron wizard of this village, I am not a baby!"

Crap... Just what I needed. A village protector..

"Seven stars!"

SEVEN!? I knew star magic was easy if taught correctly, but seven was a large number for it..

I peeked over the counter just to witness another spell miss its target, and saw the sight I expected... The wizard was bleeding, broken, and barely whispered what I assumed was a healing spell.

It wasn't the strongest, but it allowed the wizard to regain her balance.

I had to help. I couldn't watch her get killed from my mistake.

I looked around in hope to find something, ANYTHING to help.

"Nine stars. Regulus."

I looked back. Healing...

Seeing the look on the wizard's face.. told me she was suffering from the same thing I was when it followed me.. Losing mana.

I watched the wizard heave spell after spell at the beast, nothing hurting it while it stood there...

"Twenty-two stars, Orion!"

I froze. This was it.. An ending move.. Yet.. I knew, despite the star power user's strength..

I braced myself for the cloud of smoke that swept everywhere from the spell, a tiny sliver of hope that it worked...

I opened my eyes as a roar filled the air, and as the smoke cleared, the monster merely grinning, "That tickled."

NO..! I panicked, he was going to start eating people now if she didn't get up.

"I'll let you rot here, while I go finish making a meal of your village." The monter sneered.

My heart plunged into my stomach as the beast was walking away from the injured wizard and I turned to help villagers escaped when it roared.

It wasn't a roar of victory... It was a roar of pain..

I turned to see the beast fall, a stick impaled into the Cyclops.

I now understood why this was the protector of this village... A hero..

I relaxed, but it was short lived.

I was grabbed from behind by some of the villagers and lifted into the air in a swift movement. Confusion stabbed me before I realized what was happening.


Panic shot through me like an arrow as they carried me to their now tired, bloody stick wielding wizard...

She looked at me, her expression unreadable through my panic and fear.

" I didn't! It followed me!"

Wrong thing to say.

Angry roars and curses filled the air, their wizard panting too hard to stop them..

I looked at the villagers. Their faces cold and murderous.

I'm going to die...

Their wizard looked at me with a single glare that told me my fears were true as she lifted her stick again.

When the battle was happening I took no notice of some of my mana's return, and I was glad I caught it now..

"Petrificus! " I yelled as loud as I could within my fear and her stick froze midair within its swing.

"What the-?!" The wizard looked at me with the first emotion besides exhaust and anger.. Surprise..

"PRAETERVOLO!" I shrieked and vanished on the spot.


I reappeared outside the village. The feeling of shock still heavy on me..

A nagging feeling withered within my chest.
This was only the beginning..


So their story begins!

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