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After the events of Why not?, everything has changed. It's been a month after Mikey jumped off the bridge. So, as for my prologue, this will all be a refresher on Why Not? This is for the readers who might not remember much of the previous book. The order of story telling will be 1)Leo, 2)Raph, 3)Donnie, 4) April, 5)Casey, 6)Karai. The scenes stated are the ones that will actually matter. Enjoy!

Leo's story:

Throughout the story, Leo is the one everyone looks up to. He shows characteristics of a reliable leader. He led his team to intercept a Kraang operation in the beginning of the story, he led the team to save April and Leatherhead from a Kraang attack, etc. He also didn't like to punish Mikey, but did it whenever he needed to. 

One day, Leo tried to force Mikey to stay home instead of going to a mission. Mikey had previously shown signs of intelligence and maturity. Mikey excelled at his training, and didn't act all goofy all the time. Leo thought Mikey was hiding a secret, so he wanted Mikey to stay home so that Mikey will get his life together.

Mikey refused to abide by that and pushed Leo, which greatly shocked the leader. Mikey ran off in a fit of rage, and Leo continued the mission anyway, albeit, he was disturbed by the situation.

When Leo, Raph, Casey, and Donnie entered a building that they believed to contain Kraang, Leo led the way again. When they found out that Tigerclaw had tricked them into coming there, he and Raph took on the Tiger immediately. Eventually, they managed to escape the place and blew it up.

When they returned back to the lair, Leo got patched up in the lair. Every character was in that room, except for Mikey. Once Mikey showed up, he felt guilty that he didn't notice him at first. Mikey told them he was hanging on the ceiling for a while now, and was waiting to see when they'll mention his name. Leo wasn't the one to do it, so he stayed silent. When Mikey threw a smoke bomb on the ground, Leo was stunned and couldn't do anything until the smoke cleared. 

When the smoke cleared, he exited the room to see Mikey pummeling Casey to the ground. Leo, along with his family, all intervened and stood together to take Mikey down. It was hard at first, but Leo ended up throwing the final blow in taking down Mikey.

After Mikey was knocked out, everyone took a second to breathe. When everyone asked when did Mikey learn to fight so well, Leo was upset that Splinter knew for a while that Mikey had potential. This hurt Leo's pride a bit, knowing that he actually was not the best fighter in the family.

While the others tied Mikey up, Leo decided to call Karai. When Karai showed up, he greeted her with kind arms. The two headed to the lair where Karai greeted everyone else. Leo led Karai to Mikey's room where Mikey was tied. He gave Mikey a chance to confess everything, but when he refused, Leo allowed Karai do whatever she needed to get an answer. He left the room with the others and waited.

When Leo heard Karai scream, he ran to the room to see what was wrong. He became angry and confused when he saw Karai was alone in the room. After Karai told everyone what happened when she searched his soul, Leo felt helpless. But when Donnie revealed that he knew how to find Mikey, he immediately felt hope and was able to devise a plan instantly.

April and Karai were to take Casey to the hospital while Leo, Donnie, and Raph tracked Mikey down to Leatherhead's home. 

When they got there, Leo gave Mikey a chance to surrender. But when Leatherhead came out instead of Mikey, Leo gave Leatherhead a chance to back down. Leatherhead didn't back down, and Leo didn't hesitate to fight. 

Throughout the fight, Leo was curious as to why Leatherhead was protecting Mikey. He slashed Leatherhead's back, but it wasn't fatal. He immediately regretted the action and apologized. Leo and his brothers left the scene to continue tracking down Mikey.

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