Chapter 1 : You make me melt baby

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Friday 28th December 2018

I always feel weird when I fly to another country, what if I get lost? What if someone kills me ? Which number do I have to call to get help ? I was kinda disappointed when I learned that 911 only works in the US.

I was on the plane to London and by chance I got upgraded. How ? I didn't know, the "too much hairspray lady" told me to go to the first class . I was kinda mad because my seat was warm, ( I have a quick heating butt ) and I didn't want to leave my seat... until I saw the extremely beautiful woman that was gonna sit next to me, hun hun NO WAY don't need to feel bad about my body in the air too.

So I took my air bag ( my normal bag but Im on the air hahahah please laugh at my joke ) and I went to first class. Waaw there was old rich people everywhere, great I love old people they always fell asleep or die, the trip is gonna be quite !

Then the airplane lady ( I don't know how they are called, is it stuart? ) showed me my place and asked me if I wanted to drink something.
Me: « a glass of wine please"
I don't drink alcohol but I felt like it was the right answer. I was sitting right to an old man hidden under his blanket. Maybe he is dead I asked myself, so just by curiosity I lifted the blanket and that's when I saw him for the first time.

It wasn't an old man, it was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen ( after unicorns, yes I saw one at disneyland..). His eyes were closed like sealed doors but I knew that if you touched them they would be as soft as a cloud. His nose was pointing right at me as if it was saying « please drop a nice little kiss on me. » His lips.. damn his lips.. even when they weren't moving they were saying so much , his silent body was making so much noise in my heart... Was I falling in love ? Oh yeah baby !
Me: I really want to suck his face like a dementor....
But before I could finish my sentence he woke up.He looked straight into my eyes, like he was reading my soul and knew that the night before I ate chocolate in my room. ( Well tbh it wasn't chocolate but two whole cake ) I was waiting for him to say his first words even if I'd already made up a voice in my head ( same voice as Dr. Phill )

LC : Hi

I just melted there. Hi.. he said with his soft voice..

LC : why the fuck are you looking at me, why the fuck did you touch my blanket and why the fuck did I hear you say you wanted to suck my face

Well, I wasn't expecting that.. so I had to find a way out of this situation. If he knows that I'm crazy I could never marry him and have the 16 kids I've planned for him.

Me : Excuuuuuuuuse me ? you actually kicked me that's why I "touched" your blanket to see if you were doing it on purpose, so next time try to talk to me nicely . And for the sucking face thing I'm reading harry potter that's why YOU heard me say that..

I felt so relieved when I lied to him, waw our first lie, our first fight, so much passion right ?
I was telling myself "I know in my heart that I was harsh on you and I love you babe, but our story will be better that way".

He was embarassed and started apologizing
LC : Im really sorry, I should've talk to you in a better way , Im a real gentleman usually....

OMG how can I ever be mad at him.. So i looked into his eyes and said

Me: Yeah right, never talk to me again please

I felt this rush, like my soul was levitating in my body.. but that's also the effect that a landing plane has on me so... He turned his back to me and listened to some music. I stopped breathing so I could hear what he was listening ( yes, I breathe loudly ). I didn't recognized the song so I tried to take a look on his phone's screen and I saw NikkiMenaj - anaconda, and I was so happy because I was also into snakes.

The plane landed, and I applauded but I was the only one and people looked at my weirdly. He looked at me too, with his beautiful baby face that I wanted to squeeze. He stood up to take his stuff and left. I couldn't look away but when I did I saw a piece of paper on his seat. OMG did he left me his number ? I opened the paper and saw his hotel information. OMG did he left it on purpose ? Did he wanted me to follow him and take a room at the same hotel or the room next door ? He liked me I knew it nobody says Hi like that without meaning anything. I wanted to call his hotel but I felt suddenly weak or was it my laziness...? I closed my eyes and...

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