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I wonder if I can write this story. If I can even describe to you-whosoever may find this-the world I was thrown into. Will anyone even believe what is written here if they find it? In this scrawled handwriting of mine, do I even have the vocabulary to aptly describe my experiences? Time will only tell. For now, I will just write what was the greatest time of my life. It seems like something of a fairy tale, or even a video game or anime. How could someone as insignificant as I......never mind, I'm getting ahead myself. Maybe I should start where it began.

I lived an average life. I was just graduating high school, hoping to get into a decent college. I had no girlfriend to speak of, but plenty of friends. I even had a nice summer job lined out. Everything was going how I expected. After leaving a graduation party at a friend of mine's house, I went home to enjoy a good night's rest before a fencing tournament the next day. I excelled at swordplay, though I didn't much enjoy that style, but seeing as there were no kendo tournaments in the area, I did what I could. I planned to go to college to major in history, I very much enjoyed learning about the past, especially ancient warfare and how battles were strategized and fought before firearms were invented. I went to sleep that night, confident that I would wake well rested and ready to take on my competitors......though when I woke, the competitors I faced were something I never expected to see.

I awoke, not in my bed, but in a forest. I jumped and started to panic, how did I get here? Where even was "here"? I tried my best to calm myself, taking in my surroundings. These trees were something I'd never seen before, it felt like spring based on the relative temperature, but the trees, as tall as redwoods, had leaves in odd hues of purple, orange, even blue. Where could I be that I was in a forest filled with fauna that had never been seen before? I looked closer to the ground. Ferns grew, but unlike your typical ferns, thse were blood red, even looking like a sharpened blade. I suddenly realized, I needed water. I tried to listen for the sound of running water, and felt my ears.....move?!?!? What the hell was going on?? I did, however, here running water and began to head towards it. Wait, was I even wearing shoes? I knew I hadn't gone to sleep in my clothes after all.(I know it may seem odd to you, the reader that this would not be the first thing I clued in on, but would you focus on outer wear waking up in such a foreign place?) So I looked down to check my clothing. What I saw more closely resembled clothing befitting a paladin than an 18 year old high school graduate. On my feet instead of shoes were a kind of armored boot that ran up to my knees, tucked inside were my pants, made of a heavy, leather like material. I had on a cloth shirt, but upon looking underneath, I saw some type of scale mail armor. It seemed awfully light, no wonder I hadn't noticed before. I was curious about the strap running across my chest but I really needed water, I felt as though I had walked for hours without refreshment, though I had only been awake for maybe 20 minutes. My gloves were curious, seeing as, though they were fingerless, they were made of the same material as my pants. I made my way towards the sound of water, cautiously watching my surroundings to ensure neither predator nor foe-I could only assume the worst at this point, seeing as I was dressed in such a fashion-was going to attack me. Once I reached the water, which turned out to be a rather wide river, I just dunked my head in and drank deeply. I was so thirsty the thought didn't even cross my mind that this water could contain bacteria or anything else. Once I had quenched my thirst, I took a moment to catch my breath. I moved down the river a bit to where the water was a bit calmer, wanting to take a look at myself. I looked down, expecting to see my normal blonde hair and green eyes. What I saw instead literally took my breath away and sent me reeling. Was that.....me I just saw? I looked around, there was no one to be seen. I shakily made my way back to the rivers edge and looked down. My facial structure was exactly the same, what had changed was one that my eyes were now instead of green, my eyes had become yellow, and we're shaped far differently. Second, my ears.....the were gone, replaced with something akin to possibly a lynx, they the same blonde color my hair was, while my hair had turned silver, and was much longer than it had been. I noticed then that I actually had a tail. I wasn't on earth, I didn't even know if I was awake anymore. How could this be real? There was no possible way...... And as I stared at myself, I noticed what the strap on my chest was running to. I saw the hilt of a sword standing over my right shoulder.

What the hell is going on? It was the only thought running through my head now. Until I heard the snapping of twigs and the rustling of underbrush behind me. I turned on my heels, instinctively my hand shot to the hilt of what was apparently my sword and I prepared myself for anything at this point. I uttered a low growl, they emerged........

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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