Chapter 1

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Y/n POV:
"Hey hun! Wanna go to the new Asian resturant that just opened up? I heard its so good"
Your mom yelled to you from downstairs
"yea sure! Ill be down in a sec"
You threw on light blue ripped mom jeans and a black hoodie with a white short sleeve 'billie eilish' shirt to go on top. You put your white hightop airforces and some makeup on. You ran out the door to your moms car and you both left.

The restaurant was bright red on the outside and the inside was orange with such cool designs.
You and your mom sat down at a booth and waited.
You look around this fancy restaurant, admiring it. You look over to your left and you lock eyes with the most hottest guy you've ever seen. Your mouth Instantly drops. You look at eachother in the eyes for 1 minute but it feels like time has stopped itself. The wasian boy smiles, making his face even more beautiful. He walks over to you. "Hi, I'm Kairi. I'll be your waiter tonight"
You are still looking at him blankety stunned by his beauty.
*feels light kick from under the table*
You snap back into reality.
Your mom: "Hunny...He asked what can he get you to drink".
Y/n: "oh I- I'll have a w-water please. Thank you." He nodes and walks away. But not without a smile looking quick straight at you.
Y/n: *blushes super hard*
Your mom: "Oh sweetheart, are you feeling okay? Your face is very red!
Y/n: o-oh y-yea I'm fine. I'm really...okay....that waiter..Kairi? He's...
*you blush harder while looking down your lap*
...hes really, really cute.
Your mom: you think? Maybe ask for his number?

As shy as you are.. you knew you could never. You would start to shake and mess up your words. You wanted to talk to him more but who believes in that first time love shit, right? There's no way I could be with another guy from what happened with my ex. It was too serious.

Y/n: I don't know mom, I'm know!
*looks down your lap* ...shy.
Kairi: here are your drinks, ladies! Are you both ready to order?
*he looks at you*
Y/n: ye- yea I'll go with the Orange chicken and rice please.
Kairi: Oh, that's my favorite! And for you?
*looks at your mom*.
Your mom: I'll have the same thank you! Kairi: all right! I'll be back as soon as that's done
*he smiles and looks at u again in a calm way and blushes while walking away* Your mom: Hun, I know how shy you are. But you only live once...I know that your still heart broken about what jay did to you.. but you can't let some boy ruin your f-
Y/n: *cutting her off* yea mom..I know...I know..but I can't go through that again. Your mom: I understand.

*30 mins later*

Kairi: Ooorder up!
*sets plates down*
Here is your meal. Also by the way, since you two ordered this meal, you get free Fortune cookies. *puts 4 on the table*
E-enjoy your meal. He stuttered.
As you ate your mea, You were starting to get anxious to not leave. You didn't want to. You knew you found Kairi extremely attractive even if I just met them.. Love at first sight tho? I don't know... You were starin off into space when you see a image of a person come along your path.
Kairi: how was the meal?
Your mom: very good, thank you!
Y/n: *looks at him and gives a friendly smile*
Kairi: *sets check on table*
Y/n: mom. I got it....can u wait in the car?
Your mom: Of course, dear..
*Winks and smiles while getting up*
Y/n: *you smirk*
*Kairi walks to the counter*
All I want is his number.. Maybe to text him. This is a new area so maybe he just moved here and needs a friend, you wondered in your head.
Kairi: hey!
*He smiles*
Y/n: Hello
*you smile back giving him the money*
So...I heard this place just opened's so cool
*You take another look around*
Kairi: yea. My mom owns it. We just moved here from Florida. Its really nice here. Not as crazy as Florida tho
*you both laugh*
Y/n: So what school do you go to then?
Kai: I actually go to the high school like a block away? Ahh what's it called...
Y/n: Passaic Valley?
Kairi: Yea! That one. Im starting tommorow! What bout you?
Y/n: I go there too!
*You both smile again*
Kairi: Well, at least i know someone now haha! I'm Kairi. Kai for short.
Y/n: Well, nice to meet you Kai! I'm (your name)
Kairi: Hey uh, do you want my n-number? M..maybe we can hang..maybe if u want..
*He says in a shy and soft voice*
Y/n: *looks shocked but happy at the same time* yes! *cough* Yea.. Totally!
You feel yourself tighten up with excitement and you wanna run a mile.
Kairi: *writes down his phone number on paper*
As he writes you watch him like it's in slow motion. You love the way his fluffy Black hair flops over his eyes and his hand movements when he writes.
Kairi: *hands u the paper* here ya go *smiles*
Y/n: I guess I'll see you around Kai. See ya later :)
Kairi: Bye :)

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