Chapter 3

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~The next morning~

Your mom: Hun, time to get up! Its 7:00!
Y/n: uhgghhh!!
*slowly rolls out of bed*
'what should i wear y/n thinks' she pulls out black ripped skinny jeans with a big plain yellow hoodie. She throws it on and puts her fuzzy yellow socks to match. She then slides her white airforces on and runs down stairs. She ate a donut and a banana/strawberry smoothie. (sorry i had to)
Your mom: Bye sweetheart, I love you!

Y/n jumps into Kairis car and they go to school.
*Arrives school and parks*
*both sit in the car in silence*
Kairi: Im nervous..should I be nervous? What is something gonna happen? I mean ANYTHING can happen! WHAT IF I MAKE NO FRIENDS. WHAT IF I-
Y/n: *puts hand over Kairis mouth*'re gonna be fine! It's gonna be okay. You have me. I also want you to meet some people.

They both get out of the car.
Y/n: MEET! My homies!
Kairi looks up to a very tall boy with brown hair and a nice brown eyes.
Y/n: This big one goes by the name of Mattia Polibio!
Then he looks to another boy shorter than Mattia but taller then he himself.
Y/n: And this sir is Alejandro Rosario!
Kairi: Wassup!
Mattia dabs em up
Mattia: Wassup bro
Alex: Wassup man, welcome.
They walk inside.
Mattia: What's your first class?
Kai: Foods. What bout you?
Ttia: "Same bro, cya y/n, AND SAY GOOD BYE TO YOUR BOYFRIENDDDD" He teases while walking away with Kai.
Y/n: *laughes and smiles while walking to art class*

By third hour y/n was getting more nervous. She knew she will see Jay soon. She was so nervous, what would happen if he sees Kairi talking to me.

*Bell rings*

Y/n: "Fuck" she says under her breath..
She rushes out of the classroom into the hallway. She spots a tall scary blonde boy coming her way. It was Jay. He was 5,8. She's only 5,1. She bumped into the wall and turned quick running for the girls locker room. Y/n's face was red and her hands were sweaty. She was very scared. The first day and she happens to see him.
Angie: Omg! y/n are you okay?!
Y/n: y-yea I'm f-fine. Just..uh...just nervous you know?
Angie: oh! Don't worry. Is there anything I can do to help you?
Y/n: oh's uh...jay..
Angie: What?! I'll beat his fucking ass
She says with a mad face while looking around...even tho it's the girls room
Y/n: n-No! I mean. Thank you. But. It's okay. Really. I just saw him coming towards me. That's all. I left tho.
Angie: *puts hands on y/n's sholders* "I'm here for you. You know that right?. You're my best friend"
Y/n: yea Ang..thank you. I love you
Y/n hugs Angie before leaving and changes to gym clothes

*fives mins later*

Y/n walks out of the girls room to see Kairi standing there waiting in the gym room
Kairi: Hey y/n! How was your new classes?
Y/n: It was g-good..what about you thi?
Kairi: It was really good Mattia and Ale are in.. like all of my- his voice starts to fade out in her mind as she sees Jay walking towards them both with a cruel look on his face. The devil himself was coming.
*looks at kairi*
Kairi: it was grea-
Y/n: Kairi move *she says in a serious/terrified voice*
Kairi: what?
Jay: Wellll look what we have here. A slut and a fag. *grabs her arm and leans in her ear*
What. Did. I. Tell. You. Y/n. Let's not forget what happened before when you didn't listen..
Kairi: HEY, YOU ASSHOLE LET HER GO *trying to push him*
Jay: You. Who the fuck are you? You really think your gonna take care of this? You're fucking 5,4
Kairi: let. Her. Go.
Y/: Kairi...please go. I don't want you to get hurt
Kairi: Fuck that. I don't give a fu-
Mattia: what the fuck is going on here?!
*he says cutting Kai off*
Jay: *lets go of y/n* this isn't over...
Y/n, Mattia ,and Kai watch him walk away. They all have confused looks on their face. Kairi was pissed and looked like he was going mad. Mattia was confused and looked disgusted at Jay
*y/n...started to break down*
Kairi: y/n?! Are you okay?! *hugging her*
Mattia: Lets go into the hall and talk about this.
Y/n nods and walks out with the boys.
Mattia: y/n what happened?. Why is he doing this to you?
Kairi: that's Jay, isn't it?
Y/n nods while tears roll down her face.
Mattia: y/n, you need to tell me right now what he did....
Y/n: He...he really..hurt me...
Mattia turns slowly towards the door. Anger in his eyes. He slams the door open. Kairi runs after him.
Kairi: Mattia! what are you doing?!
Mattia: Kairi, go get y/n and leave. NOW!
Jay: what's up fuc-
Mattia punched him in the mouth.
Mattia starts to beat the shit out of Jay.
*Jay falls and lays on the floor while Mattia is kicking him, Stomping on his stomach,and punching his whole face.
Gym teacher: BOYS ENOUGH!
*she pulls mattia back*
Mattia: if you ever fucking even look at her again... I swear. You won't ever look at another thing in this world again. You understand me, ASSHOLE?!
Jay: Fuc- *chokes* you
The teacher brought mattia to the office while other teachers helped Jay even tho he deserved to lay there in pain.

Kairi and y/n were in the lunch room when they saw Mattia go into the office.
kairi: What happened ?! * turns around and see Mattia* Oh shit!
Y/n and Kairi runs to the office to find Mattia sitting in a room talking to a police officer.
Y/n and Kairi left instantly. Y/n felt like crying because she knew Jay wouldn't give up on trying to hurt and torment her again. This will just make him more mad.

Kairi: y/n. Are you okay?
*He asks as y/n and him were walking to his car*
Y/n: I don't know.
*sits down and shuts her car door *
Kairi: *looks at her in the driver's seat*
Y/n: don't know what happened..
*she starts to tear up and choke in her words*
Kairi: Y/n, you know you can tell me anything. I'd never. EVER. hurt you. Ever.!
This made y/n blush. A small smile came to her face. But she still looked like she was in pain.
Y/n: Thanks, Kai..
Kairi started the car and brought y/n home.
Kai: *looks at y/n with worried eyes*
Y/n: I'll...see ya, Kai.
She stops and looks at him. He looks into her eyes and gave her a deep stare. She fell more in love with him.
Y/n: kairi...I-
Her words cut off and time stopped. She felt a ball of excitement gain in her chest. Kairi kissed her!

Making her feel like the luckiest girl in the world. he going to hurt me too?


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