Chapter 14

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•i read all your comments and i am so blesses yall actually like it :) i love you all and you guys legit make me so happy•

Kairi: "we..JUST moved there Mattia".
  Mattia frowned but y/n laughed and kairo joined in along with mattia.
*cop car sirens*
Kairi: "THERE! HERE!"
he yelled while jumping up and down trying to make noise so they know they're there. He walked around the darkroom impatiently trying to find the door.

Voices from people: "KAIRIIII, Y/NN,MATTTIAA"

They heard people yelling their names. It sound like they were above them.?
  Y/n knew where she was.
Voices kept calling.
Y/n: We are under the ground Kai, I've been here before.
Kairi: what do you mean?!
Y/n: Jay brought me here when he kidnapped me. We have to get out through that ceiling door. Y/n says as she points up.
Kairi looked at her confused.
Kairi: but how?
Mattia: get on my shoulders, Kai.
Mattia got Kairi on his shoulders and was now touching the ceiling looking for a handle. While y/n yelled out for help.
The voices started to fade until Kairi found the handle to get out. It was locked.
"Fuck.." Kairi mumbles to himself
Kairi: Plant your feet Mattia.
Mattia: wait, WHAT?
Kairi: I'm gonna give this door some shaken baby syndrome.
Mattia: Oh, Jesus Christ.
  Mattia put a lot of pressure on his feet while Kairi went crazy on the door pulling it up and down making a lot of noise.


There was a big crack in the ceiling. Since they were underground the mud and cement started to move from all of Kairi's shaking.
Mattia: Yeah.. NO SHIT SHERLOCK!
The ceiling of the shitty abandoned underground box started to crack more.
Y/n: Kairi, are we gonna die?
Mattia: Y/n get over here! Stay away from that wall.
   Kairi didn't give up on the door. There was something heavy on top of it. A rock maybe.
Mattia couldn't hold him much longer.
Mattia: Kai, I need a break. You may be small but you heavy asf.
Kairi: DON'T let me down. Let me hang here.
Mattia: What the hell Kairi, no! Let go!
Kairi: Trust me, Just back away slowly and let me hand onto the door.
Mattia slowly let go of Kairi off his shoulders leaving a hanging Kairi to the ceiling.
  Mattia looked at y/n and laughed. Mattia whispers to y/n "He looks like an elf on a shelf"
Kairi: Very funny.
Mattia: What's your plan now, smart guy?
Kairi: Well, I'm just gonna wait ti-

The door snapped off the ceiling revealing the outside world. kairi fell down on the cement door. His face red and out of breathe.
Y/n: Kairi, are you okay?
The ceiling door fell from the ceiling on top of Kairi.
Mattia couldn't stop laughing.
Kairi: Yea. I'm fine. Just.. Start yelling.
  Mattia and y/n started yelling for help while a big dog stuck its head down into the hole and started to bark loudly.

The voices came more easier to hear and they were saying their names.
The police came down a latear getting the tired teens to safety.
  They then took the lifeless body out of the box they were stuck in from underground.
  Kairis mom and y/n's mom ran at them hugging both of their kids super hard, never letting go.
Mattia was standing there waiting for his mom but she never showed.
Kairi: Mattia, Wheres..
Y/n walked to Mattia and hugged him while Mattia just looked at the floor.
Then y/n's mom hugged mattia and y/n came back over and talked to kairis mom.

They all got into the ambulance and drove to the hospital once again for the 1000th time in the pasted months this all happened. (Uhh ya let's pretend this went slower from the beginning).
  They were all riding in the same ambulance luckily.
  Kairi: Mattia. Are you okay?
Mattia looked fine. But Kairi felt something off.
Mattia: "Yea, I'm okay. My mom just isn't really in the picture. Neither is my dad." He bites his nails.
Kairi: I' sorry to hear man.
Mattia: It's okay. YOU guys are family though.
Kairi: Then stay with us. Live in our house.
Mattia: No way Kai! that's too much to ask-
Plus... I kinda Almost burned your house down sooo
Kairi: no. It wouldn't be a funhouse without you
Mattia smiled and dabbed Kairi up.

They made it to the hospital.
Luckily y/n and Mattia didn't have super bad Injures. SuRpriSinGLy It's just Kairi that got hurt from kinda getting beat up by Marcell and the weird ass door falling on him.
  Everyone was perfectly okay and safe. 

They made it back to the house where both of the moms cleaned everything up and Mattia was able to remake his pasta.
(Dumb Mattia always leaving the damn oven on).
  They all sat down at the dining table ready to eat. In a safe house. As a big family.
  Kairi with y/n and y/n with Kairi.
Y/n thought to her self before eating mattias dinner. 'I guess I thought too much. No. He isn't going to hurt me.'
   Everyone smiled as y/n and kairi held hands. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝
(please don't get mad 🥺👉👈)

•thank you all so much for reading. I love you all smmmmm. I will be writing a new book soon and ill let yall know what its called when i update!•

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