Chapter 12

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*a week later*

Kairi: Mom, where is she. Please. Just tell me she okay?!
Kairis mom: Hunny, she is okay. I promise.
Kairi: Then let me see her!

Kairi was almost hysterical. He swore he felt fine now. He needed to see her.

The doctor: Kairi, you can't see her. it's not safe
Kairis mom: Kairi, please, calm down baby.
Kairi: This is just fucking ridiculous!
Kairis mom: Kairi...
Doctor: Will you please come with me?
The doctor said to Kais mom
Kairi slumped back into his bed staring out the window. He was so mad they weren't letting him see y/n. He was madder on why they wouldn't tell him why he can't.
Kairis mom: *opens door* Kairi. We will bring you to her.
Kairi got up fast with shooting pain in his side. He didn't care though.
As he never does.
Kairis mom: Babe, take it easy.
Kairi: DON'T talk to me right now mom. I'm pissed.
Kairis mom: ok...ok...

This is the first time Kairis been outside for a while. The sunlight hit his face almost blinding him.
Kairi: Jesus Christ.
Kairis mom: Sunny huh. Hah.
Kairi got into the car and strapped his seatbelt in.
His mom didn't start the car so fast. She sat there with her hands on the steering wheel.
Kairi: m-mooom...
K/m: sorry Hunny...for all this...we are just all so scared.
Kairi: well I'm not. What more can happen? Him killing me? We have everyone outside that house watching over us mom.
K/m: you don't get it though. YOU don't have kids, you won't understand. They can't always keep you safe. They aren't your bodyguards.
Kairi: But I'm y/n's. I have to be there even if I will die.
K/m: *looks at him*
Kairi looks back
She started up the car, driving out of the parking lot onto the road.

Y/n: Mom, when is he gonna be here?!
Y/n/m: Soon Hunny. They just left.
Y/n: Better hurry up.
Y/n heard a car door close
Y/n ran outside and ran into Kairis arms. Good thing y/n was smaller then Kairi otherwise she would trample him.
Kairi: I missed you SO much
Y/n: Not as much as I missed you :)
She said still hugging him while her head rested in his chest.
Kairi: I have to go back to the hospital for one last exam but I forced my mom to bring me here. Tomorrow I get to come home with you.
Y/n: I'm staying with you all night.
Kairi: You're gonna need sleep though.
Y/n: I'll get plenty today. Right now. Let's go rest.
Kairi: I have to leave in 1 hour. Are you gonna come then or after?
Y/n: the whole time.
Kairi: let us go pack for u
He smiled at her while guiding her inside of there new house together.

•••••Hey queens and kings. Sorry, this chapter was short. I wanted to speak on this corona shit real quick. I've been in the house for 5 days straight. Not been outside at all. I haven't seen much nearly anything from my own windows. I went to get McDonald's today with my big bro and Lil sis. Idk if it was the combination of bad weather or sum but it looked like a ghost town outside. There were only two ppl in the McDonald's drive through the whole time. And barely anyone on the highway. Everything's shut down. It's fucking scary. Please please PLEASE stay at your house. All of that is such a good sign ppl are doing what they can to stay away. This isn't about you. This is about the people who have health conditions like others I know. Please stay clean and KEEP WASHING YOUR HANDS. I love you all and I'll be writing more since schools down for the year. (Starting a new book soon btw!!)•••••

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