Chapter 13

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•hello, babies! How are you all doing? Stay healthy, ily•

Kairi: this house is really nice. Omg!
Y/n: you haven't seen the good part yet.
Kairi: let us not keep that waiting.
Y/n held Kairi's arm while she leads him out the back door revealing the beautiful view of the big hill they were on. It showed the city and bodies of water. Kairi didn't notice how high they were up in the air but that's because he's lived in the high places his whole life.
Y/n: aaaaand right this a...
Kairi: "omg that's so cool"
It was a big pool with color-changing lights in the bottom.
Kairi: when the fuck did I get all this money to live here?!
Y/n: Your restaurant blew up after people found out what happened. A lot of people came there and y'all made hella money.
Kairi: Oh my god!
Y/n: Yea :)
She smiled big looking at him as he still faced the beautiful view.

Y/n's mom: "Kids come on it's dinner time!"
She yelled from the kitchen.
Y/n's mom: Tonight we are having Pasta Alfredo because Mattia said he's coming over and making it. He wants to see the new home, he hasn't seen either of you for so long.
Kairi was overall really happy to see Mattia so was y/n.

While y/n and Kairi set up the table they heard a knock on the door.
Kairi: I'll get it.
Kairi opened up the door revealing Mattia holding a huge bag of random stuff.
Mattia: AYEEE WASSU! KAIRI HOW U FEELING?!. He says in his roadman's voice (iykyk)
Kairi: I'm doing better thank you, sir.
He said in a joking tone.
Mattia: Tonight is on me. I am your waiter and busboy for tonight.
Kairi: sounds really fun.
Y/n smiled. But that faded quick.
Kairi: What's wrong babe?
Y/n:....Oh's okay.
Kairi: You can tell me y/n.
Y/n: It's just...last time we were alone...
Kairi: He can't find us here. He won't.
Y/n just looked down and smiled trying to make herself look okay.
Kairi's mom: Alright kids, Me, Y/n mom and a few of our friends are going to my restaurant for dinner. We will be back by 11.
She looks at Kairi in the eyes and says calmly. Kairi, If anything happens.. you CALL right away. Kairi: Yes mom. I know.

The adults walked out and Mattia shoved a pot in the oven.
Mattia: Ok my wished couple, you two will pick out a movie as I cook your food and get everything set up.
Kairi and y/n picked out a movie (idk which one I don't watch movies that much. But like Jurassic park/ world is so good tf) that they both agreed on and cuddled up in a big blanket on the couch.
Mattia: ay Kai, where the sa-
He stopped talking.
Kairi turned around fast
Kairi: W-what?
Marcell walked into the living room with a gun held to Mattia's head. Mattia didn't have any emotion with it. His hands-on his sides and his face normal.
Mattia: Don't be dumb. Do what he says, Kai.
Kairi almost screamed like a little girl and y/n covers their mouth trying to not cry.
Two other men came in.
Marcell: Boys. Take them.
The first one to get taken was Kairi. He fought and he kicked and screamed out for help, But they were too strong. They had to pin him on the ground to stick a needle into his neck to make him fall asleep because he was hysterical. Y/n did as the man told her to but she was sobbing the whole time watching the love of her life getting thrown and pinned to the ground and hearing the terrorizing sounds the boy was making.
Kairi: "I'll fucking kill you if you hurt her I" he passed out.

The three bad guys carried the teens out into a big van. Y/n still sobbing as one of the males puts duck tape on her, Mattias and Kairis mouth. They placed a blindfold over there faces as well. They were all laying in the back of a big black van. Mattia was sitting upside the van on the walls. Kairi was laying on his back with his hands tied in front of him. It looked like he was dead. Y/n was sitting like Mattia next to Kairi.

*30 minutes passed*

Marcell: Get the miniature boy and bring him to me.
The men got out of the truck and opened the back. They pulled Mattia out first. Not in a nice way at all. Practicality dragging him out that he almost fell onto the ground. None of them could protect themselves from the harsh rope poorly tied around their hands.
Marcell: The boy hasn't woken up yet.. get the chair ready.
Y/n started to cry again not wanting Kairi to suffer any more pain.
Kairi: *muffled noises* mmm m
Then everyone heard tape ripping.
Marcell: What was that pretty boy?
Kairi: f-f-fuck you.
Marcell slapped Kairi in the face as they pulled them along to the abandoned building they were Bringing them to.
Y/n and Mattia could only hear whimpers from Kairi because he was obviously in a lot of pain from the last experience.

They put them into a room and locked the doors. Marcell was the only one in. Marcell obviously wasn't that smart because he was left three against one.

Marcell: Sit your asses down or I'll shoot you all.
I guess two against one.
Kairi sat on the cold concrete floor. There was liquid on the ground that he accidentally slipped his hand into. It was slimy and warm. Disgusting.
Marcell: "Now. I want to hear everything that happened. From you Kairi." He said ripping the tape off his mouth.
Kairi: "What do you mean?" He said with his whole body shaking.
Kairi: Your brother tried to rape my girlfriend.
Marcell kneeled down and took the blindfold off of Kairi's eyes.
Marcell: What did he do to you?
Kairi: He made. Me. Mad.
Marcell slapped Kairi once again and this time it was super hard. Kairi only tripped a little onto his hands.
Marcell: Y/nnnnnnn. How are you dear?!
Y/n started to shake and cry more.
Marcell: I don't know why you're all so scared? I'll only kill you at the most! So answer me sweetheart.
What did Mr. Kairi do to my brother?
He ripped the tape off her mouth in one single pull.
Y/n: He did what he had to d-do. Your brother tri-
Marcell pulled out his gun on y/n. She couldn't see it but Kairi could.
Kairi: N-NO DONT.
Kairi's eyes were wide.
His cheeks super red from being hit and from being this upset.
Marcell: then tell me THE TRUTH!!
Y/n: Kairi shut up.
Kairi: Do it. If you're so mad. Kill me. Now. NOW DO IT NOW.
Kairi's voice was so cracky.
Marcell looked at Kairi in his dark angry eyes. His face looked calm though as if he knew he was going to get shot.
Kairi: But I'll come back. Like I always do.
Marcell: No. No. You won't. There's nothing you can do now? You'll just end up dead.
Kairi: Maybe. But at least I'm not a rapist.

Kairi gave Marcell a devilish smirk right before Mattia wrapped Marcell by his neck with the rope that was tied around his hands and started to chokehold him while Kairi went at it and started to attack him at full force leaving cuts and bruises all over Marcell's body as the rope leaving a jagged line all over Marcell's neck. He took his last breath.
Y/n: "Holy..shit." She threw up after watching that.
Kairi fell to the floor with Mattia. They were thinking hard at what the fuck just happened. There was no expression on their faces as a lifeless body laid in front of them.
Kairi: like I said. Hopefully for the final time. I. Would. Protect. You.
Y/n smiled. Terrified. She loves Kairi.
Mattia: ... I think I left the oven on...

•uhhhh holy shit guys this chapter is kinda.....lmaoo idk where my mind is today...THANK YOU SO SO SO SOOO MUCH FOR 7.3K!! HOLY SHITTT....have a good day tho, love u all smmmmmm•

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