It's been 4 months since the two Kims' break up. Both of them are focusing on their careers especially Jennie, she's doing great she's talented enough and she's ready that's why the company decided to prepare the things she will need for her upcoming debut.
How 'bout Kim Jisoo? She's doing great too, her photography skill has improved but she still felt empty, she miss Jennie so much.
Like one time she got home from work, she accidentally called Jennie's name but when she didn't got reply, she realized that they're not together anymore.
"Kim Jisoo!" Jisoo's teacher said
"Oh! Sir Jiyong!" Jisoo greeted back and bowed at the older man
After their break up, Jisoo and her friends enrolled to a Film School.
"I have a good news for you!" Jiyong said and pat Jisoo's head "We need a team that will represents our school for a competition on Japan next week. Me and your other teachers personally picked your team" Jiyong said with a politely smile
"A-are you serious s-sir?" Jisoo cannot believe that the teachers has a big trust on them
"Yes. But the Japan Film arts department says each group needs 5 members so we decided to add 2 more people on your group, it's Baekhyun and Jongdae, I assigned them as your music maker and music editor"
"They're from class 3-C, right? They're the loud-ass tandem" Jisoo chuckled
"Yeah they're so noisy but I swear they have a good skills" Jiyong held Jisoo's hand "Jisoo, please. Do your best to have the 1st place, it's for our School's reputation. Oh I forgot to tell that the 1st place team will going to have a $200,000 price so expect that there are a lot of people who came from different countries." Jisoo's knees becomes weak when she heard how much is the price.
Jisoo decided to call a meeting for her team.
"We are the choosen five who will represents our School on Japan Film Arts Competition! The first placer will get $200,000!" Jisoo said making the whole team gasped
"Shit! I can but a lot of things with that money!" Baekhyun said, he quickly took his phone and search something that he could buy.
"That's of money Baek! We can't just use it for useless things!" Chen said and smacked the back of Baekhyun's head
"Chen is right" Lisa agreed
Jisoo sat on her seat and closed her eyes, she's thinking what they shall do with their money if they got the first place.
"I have an idea!" Seulgi shouted, the whole team looked at her.
"Spill it" Baekhyun said
"Let's use the half of our prize for building a film company" Seulgi confidently said
"We'll use the $100,000 to make our own company? Is that your point?" Jisoo asked and Seulgi nods
"Yes Jisoo! Then the other $100,000 will be our own money, each of us will receive $20,000!"
The whole team looked at each other, they continued they discussion about the 'future company'
"All of us agreed to Seulgi's suggestion, right?" Jisoo asked while typing something on her laptop
"Yes!" Her team response in unison
"Wait! we should think our company's name!" Jongdae shouted, his loud voice never failed to make his startled team.
"Can you please lower your voice dude!" Lisa groaned while rubbing her ears.
"Crack Films! That's a good name 'cause all of us are Crack heads!" Baekhyun said and clasped his hands

Mean It
FanfictionWhy you let those words come out your mouth If you don't mean it?