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Jennie smiled while staring at her and Jisoo's hands, she's literally having butterflies in her stomach right now.

"I love you" Jisoo muttered and kissed Jennie's hand repeatedly

"I kove you too but can you please stop kissing my hand?" Jennie joked making Jisoo chuckled and nods, she placed their hands above her thigh then looked outside

Jennie stared at her girlfriend's side profile, admiring every single part of her face. The face that she won't able to kiss and touch for two years.


Jisoo looked at Jennie

"Im sorry"

"For what?" Jisoo confusedly asked

"For not preparing something or gift for you" Jennie looked down, not wanting to see Jisoo's disappointed look.

"You think Im disappointed, right?"

Jennie nods, Jisoo sighed and cupped her cheeks

"Listen Jennie Kim, it's alright for not preparing soemthing for me. I just wanted to hear your response to my gift for you later so don't worry that much" Jisoo said and huffled Jennie's hair

"You prepared something for me?" Jennie asked

"Yup, I'll show it to you later at the airport"

After a few minutes of ride, they reached the airport.

"Jisoo, this is not the way to your plane" Jennie said, Jisoo and her team decided to take a private plane because they don't want to become more stress for lining up.

"Who said we'll going to our plane?" Jisoo replied, Jennie just let the Director drag her

"Why are we here?" Jennie asked when Jisoo and her stopped on the airplane landing area.

"Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, we almost spent a decade of our lives together if we didn't split up back then but it doesn't matter now. I just wanted to make you fee better for the next two years, to make you feel that Im only yours and to make me feel that you're only mine. This gift that I will give to you right now was supposed to be my 5th year anniversary present for you."

Jisoo took a deep breathe and took a small box inside her pocket

"I know that you already saw this thing so it obviously not new, I just told someone to adjust it a bit...haha"

Jennie chuckled when Jisoo laughed nervously but that chuckle quickly fades away when Jisoo kneeled infront of her and pulled a ring. The same ring that she was on Jisoo's finger back then.

"Jen, my dumpling. I know that being separated with me in two years makes you feel down and scared so I think...this proposal and ring will make you less worried. Jen, Im not hoping for us to get married soon but I just wanted to let you know that Im sure....Im already sure that you'll be the first and last girl that I love like this forever. I can see myself waking up and sleeping beside you everyday and everynight. I can see myself playing with our kids. I can—"

"Jisoo, Yes"

"Huh?" Jisoo asked

"Stop saying cheesy things already, I wanted to wear that ring right now!" Jennie whined as she teared up

"Oh...o-okay" Jisoo's hand was literally shaking as she stands up "Let me ask you formally..."

"Jennie Kim, will you be my fiancée?"

Jennie playfully pout

"Just fiancée? Not wife?"

"O-Oh No! I-I wanted you to be my wife of course, I-I'm just—"

Jennie chuckled again and wrapped her arms around Jisoo's neck

"Yes Jisoo, It's a yes" then she held Jisoo's neck and leaned closer

Lisa, Baekhyun, Chen and Seulgi started to lit up the fireworks.

Jisoo pulled away and slip the ring in Jennie's finger

"It looks so good" she mumbled "I waited for how many years to see that ring on your finger....I almost give up on it" Jisoo's lips trembled as she cried "I-I thought I will never get the chance to be with you again...Thank you Jen"

"Thank you for not letting me go, Thank you for bringing back the joy and happiness to my life again. Sometimes I think that I don't deserve you after the shitty thing I've done to you but you...you didn't stopped loving and supporting me. You even made our promises true. Thank you, I love you and Im sorry"

Jennie leaned closer for a kiss again but this is more passionate and longer than the first one.

"Like it?" Jisoo muttered when she saw the beautiful fireworks display

"I love it" Jennie said, bringing up her hand and looked at her ring then at the sky "I love you Jisoo"

"And I really mean it"


Hello everyone, this is Blinkue_888. I just wanted to thank all of you who supported this story, thanks for the reads, the votes and the comments. I hope we could see each other again on my next story (stories) if ever I publish something again in the future lol

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