"Just order whatever you want! It's our treat!" Seulgi said and placed different kind of foods on Jennie's plate 'cause the idol wasn't eating properly. She's just munching the toasted bread on the bread basket and it made the whole film team sick.
"Seulgi is right Jennie! Just eat everything! Try anything! I know you're having a diet meal so you couldn't gain weight but hell! Eat some real foods even once!"
Jennie smiled and Nods
"Who's gonna pay the bill?" Jennie asked, Baekhyun raised hand.
"If I eat a lot of foods, your card will get empty" Jennie joked as she chew the dumpling that Seulgi gave.
Baekhyun shook his head and smiled
"Don't worry! I didn't brought my card!" Baekhyun's statement made everyone stopped from eating, he chuckled at his co-workers' reactions "But I brought our CEO's"
"Yehey!" The whole team screamed making Jennie yelp
"CEO? I thought all of you are the owner of BKM Films?" Jennie confusedly asked
"Ah yeah....but we don't labeled ourseleves as the CEO. 'Cause we don't deserve it" Jongdae coolly said as he munch the letuce
"How come that you guys don't deserve it?" Jennie aksed again
"Well....our leader, she's the CEO of our company. She made a lot of effort for building and improving it. It's hard to explain but Im sure that once you start working with her....you'll undestand what I am saying!" Jongdae raised his both thumbs while nodding his head
"Ah...so it means your team was consist of 5 members?" The whole team nods "Then...where is she? Where is your leader? I wanted to meet her!" The feeling of excitement can be trace on Jennie's voice and movements, the team felt awkward.
They don't know if they should tell the truth about their leader or they will just lie to the cat-eyed woman.
"Uhm....we wanted you to meet her too but....uhm....she's just very busy right now...yeah. She's busy, right guys?" Baekhyun smiled and looked at his team, signaling them to play along.
"Ah....Y-Yeah! Our precious l-leader is very busy!" Seulgi said with hesitation, she groaned in pain when Lisa pinched the side of her tummy.
After an hour of eating and talking, they finally finished their foods.
"Shit, I didn't expect that the foods on this restaurant is very expensive" Baekhyun mumbled while staring at their bill
"You're the one who decided to go here! Idiot!" Lisa whispered and smacked the back of his head
"For sure...leader-nim will gonna kill me" Baekhyun placed the card on the bill and gave it to the waiter
"Is there something wrong?" Jennie worriedly asked when she saw Lisa and Baekhyun's faces. They looked nervous, they're sweating eand shaking.
"Huh? A-ah Yeah! W-we're fine. Its just my....uhm....stomach. Yeah" Lisa reasoned and placed her hands on her tummy, pretending that she's in pain
"I have a medicine here, you want—" Jennie started to search the pill the from her bag but Lisa stopped her
"Nah! I-It's alright! Let's just go home" Lisa quickly took the card from the waiter and called her co-workers to walked out of the resto.
"Guys, What kind of food did you eat?" Jisoo asked while crossing her arms, she's sitting in the couch while facing her teammates who's looking at their own feet. She raised her card and showed it to them. "1/4 of my savings is gone"

Mean It
FanfictionWhy you let those words come out your mouth If you don't mean it?