"Im going solo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo"
Everyone inside the recording studio stands up from their seats and greeted Jennie 'Congratulations' with a smile plastered on their faces while their hands were clapping together.
"You're so talented Jennie. You did a good job!" Baekyun winked and gave the idol a thumbs up.
Jennie covered her mouth using her hands while laughing
"Thanks for this project too Baek, Im looking forward for our music video shooting next week!" Baekhyun nods and took the Girl's hand
"We're going to celebrate!"
The staffs inside the room nods and started to pack up their things.
"Cheers!" Everyone raised their beer cups and shouted.
"Ah! This is so strong!" Jennie pushed back her cup to the table after tasting the bitterness of it.
"You can finish that Jennie! Stop acting like you're not drinking when you're sneaking out from me just to go on diffeent clubs!" Irene said and gave the idol an eye roll
"Yes Im drinking alcohol but it's not that strong like this one, Bitch" Jennie said making the whole team laugh
It's kinda rare for them to hear Jennie saying bad words
"She just simply said 'Bitch' but it sounds like a music to me already" Jongdae joked and picked up a potato chip on the plate.
"Seulgi! Stop playing with my bangs!" Lisa whined when the chief editor tried to curl her bangs using the fork.
"She's drunk already" Baekhyun shook his head while staring at their friend.
Seulgi has a short tolerance when it comes to alcoholic drinks that's why they're not usually going to clubs and bars.
Lisa stood up from her seat and decided to sat on the floor, still glaring at the tipsy bear.
Irene was about to stand up so she could sat beside Seulgi but a girl walked towards their table and took the seat.
"Hi! Im Tzuyu, it's my first time seeing you here." The girl named Tzuyu placed her hands on Seulgi's nape
Seulgi wanted to swat the girl's hands from her but she's very tired to move her muscles, she's not gonna show her flirty side infront of Irene.
"Y-Yeah....i-it's my first time h-here." The bear looked at Lisa, sending a look that she needs help but the Thai girl was busy checking out the girl who's performing on stage.
Tzuyu cupped her cheeks and caress it
"Stop looking somewhere. Just focus on me" Tzuyu and Seulgi had an eye contact, both of them felt the hotness inside their body. The younger girl closed her eyes and was about to kiss the chief editor but someone pulled her hair making her fell from the couch.
"What the? Yah! Why did you do that?!"
Irene pulled Seulgi's arms making her stand up.
"Im claiming my girlfriend 'cause I think you're too close to her." And with that statement, Irene and Seulgi walked out from the club.
The taiwanese girl groaned and walked away from the team.
"Did she just left me?" Jennie asked, mouth was hanged open. "How will I gonna go home?"
"Don't worry Jen. We're going to take care of you." Jongdae said and patted the Idol's shoulder.

Mean It
FanfictionWhy you let those words come out your mouth If you don't mean it?