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"No! You can't do this to me?!" Chaerin threw the papers back to the Businessman that went to have a proper conversation with her

"Mrs. Kim, I've already gave you an enough time. If you're not gonna pay your debt as soon as possible then let's just see each other on the court." The Man said and took the papers then walked out from the CL's office.

Chaerin pulled hew hair frustration. Her company is slowly coming down and she has a lot of debt that needs to pay.

"Mrs. Kim?" Chaerin looked at her Secretary's direction "There's someone who wants to talk to you, should I let him in?"

Chaerin doesn't care who that man is, she just nodded her head


"Why are you here?" Chaerin asked when Jiyong sat on the couch

"I just wanted to say Hi...." Jiyong shyly said "....uhm....do you have problems? You look stress" he added making Chaerin looked away

"I don't have any problems." Jiyong sighed

"Chaerin, my shoulder is always free for you to lean on. Im still your husband" The Chairman said, he walk towards Chaerin and grabbed her hand "Let me help you"

"How can you help me? I have a lot of debts, my employees wanted to sue me 'cause Im not paying them fairly, Jennie doesn't like me anymore and my company.....the company that my family build....." Jiyong pulled her wife into a tight hug and pat her back

"We will fix this together, just trust me"


"One...two...three...SHOT!" Lisa said and clicked her camera's shutter. She and her other teammates was having a mini photoshoot infront of the grafitti wall.

"Why don't you join them on their photoshoot?" Jennie asked as she sat on the bench beside Jisoo

"Nah...I don't want to embarrass myself" Jisoo joked and put her hands inside her pocket because of the cold weather

"What they're doing is not embarrassing, they're just having fun" Jennie faced the CEO and shot her a deadly glare "You're still the Kim Jisoo that I met"

Jisoo couldn't help but to chuckle on Jennie's words, she looked back at the younger girl.

"Of course Im still that Jisoo" She wanted to add 'The Kim Jisoo that you used to loved' but she don't want to make their situation awkward

"Yeah.....the shy type Jisoo who doesn't have the word 'YOLO' on her dictionary" Jennie said, slightly laughing because of the silly teammates of Jisoo. "You should go there too, you're their leader"

"In the past 7 years, I barely join them on their mini photoshoots so I think they got used to—"

"I don't care. Just them there" Jennie whined and pulled Jisoo up from the bench "One photo will not hurt anyone so stand up there with them"

"But Jennie—"

"No excuses Kim. STAND. UP. THERE" Jisoo groaned and stomped her right foot

"Hey Guys!" She shouted making her team look at her "Let me join you!" Jisoo run towards her team

"Do you take drugs?" Baekhyun asked

"What? What the hell are you saying?" Jisoo asked back

"Oh my god! I think we're the one who's been drugged! We're hallucinating guys!" Lisa got panicked, she starts running around and screaming

"Yah! Lisa! Calm your ass down. You're not hallucinating or what. Im literally here to join you on your mini—"

"Everyone! I'll count one to three!" Jennie shouts making Jisoo cut her own words

"Wait Jen, Im not done explaining my—"


"Jennie I said Im not d—"


The team to prepared their poses and waited for Jennie's last cue. Jisoo rolled her eyes and decided to join her friends' weird poses.

'God, help me. Please'



"Don't talk to me" Jisoo coldly said as Lisa tried to hold her arm

"Why are you mad? We didn't forced you to take a photo with us, it was Jennie" Lisa pouts, Jisoo wanted to throw up but she managed to stopped it

"I just helped you, bitch" Jennie said

"Let's play a game guys!" Seulgi said as she walked backwards while facing her friends "Who ever got last in the Ice Cream shop, he or she will gonna pay the—YAH!" Seulgi shouts when Jongdae, Lisa and Baekhyun starts to run away.

"Aish! Jisoo, I'll follow them. Please make sure that you'll fight against us, stop being lazy" Seulgi joked and followed her friends like what she said.

"What are you doing? Go! Run" Jennie said when Jisoo didn't even fasten her steps

"Why would I do that? Even if I go there first, I'll still pay for our bill" Jisoo replied with a smile, her eyes never left on her Friends'

Jennie nods and chuckled, she knew what Jisoo said was true. Silence wraps the both girls but it's not awkward. The only thing that they could hear is the other people's voice.

"Jisoo" Jennie looked at the older woman who humme as her answer "Have you notice that we're not awkward with each other like our first meeting after 7 years?"

Jisoo smiled and nods

"Of course I've noticed it and Im happy with it. We're not that comfortable to each other but we're not awkward too so it's alright" Jisoo looked back at Jennie "In this way, we could have a better communication for our projects"

"Yeah...for our projects" Jennie looked away and smiled weakly, she did her best to make her words sounds fine and stable.

"When we were still friends, we used to walk on different everyday Parks too" Jisoo closed her eyes while her arms was spread like a butterfly "I wish we're still friends"

'No, what I really mean is I wish we're still lovers. I wanted to say that I still love you but I don't wanna mess up your feelings. I wanted to prove that you're wrong, that Im not a cheater. I wanted to face your mother, I wanted to have her bless like what I wanted to have since then. I wanted to prove myself to her that I can make you happy. I wanted to back the old us but I don't know how....'

Jisoo has a lot of things that she wanted to say but she just keep it inside. She would choose to be hurt inside rather than make their situation worst.

"We can still be friends" Jennie said making Jisoo stopped from her tracks

"Really?" Jisoo asked, Jennie turned around and faced her

"Yeah" Jennie simply said and shrugged "It's been years, Im sure both of us had moved on already so we can just set aside our past. Leave it behind"

'I wish it's easy to do like how it's easy to say'

Jennie extended her arm and offer an handshake with Jisoo

"Let's be friends again" Jisoo smiled and gladly took the idol's hand

After that, Jennie turned around again and start walking

Little did Jisoo know, she's not the only one who felt hurt inside.

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