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7 years later

"Jennie!" Irene shouted, she knocks the door "Open this fucking door! Ms. Yoo wanted to meet you! NOW!"

After a few minutes, the older latter heard the door clicks so she quickly twist the doorknob and open the door.

"Fuck" She mumbled while staring at the Idol's bedroom "Is this a fucking room of an idol? Or a cell room of an Inmate?"

"Ugh! Irene! If you're gonna diss my room only, please get out. Im tired!" Jennie groaned and flopped herself on the bed

Irene rolled her eye and walked closer to the tired Idol.

"Ah you're tired? Of course you'll be tired! You're on a bar last night until 2am!" Irene harshly pulled Jennie's blanket and spank the cat-eyed woman's butt

"Aww! Irene!" Jennie winced in pain, she rubs her butt and glared at her manager. "Why are you even here?!"

Irene picked some of Jennie's thing that is scattered on the floor, she placed it on a basket before facing the grumpy brunette.

"Ms. Yoo called you for a meeting" Irene sat on the chair beside and crossed her arms.

The manager's sentence made Jennie grumpy more

"Why does she have to call me for an urgent meeting? Ugh fuck! Im sure she will just say that she miss me, how's my life as an idol or......she will ask about my love life"

Jennie doesn't like it when people asking her about her of pesonal life , she really wanted to leave the agency 'cause she's getting scared of their President but she cannot let her contract go. She doesn't like how the President looks at her, she doesn't how she smile when they are together, she doesn't like it when she's touching her...Jennie doesn't like everything about the Company's President.

"Of course she will ask something like that to you! She's your boss, duh!"

Jennie threw the pillow on Irene's face

"Get out of my room! You're making me mad more!" Before Irene could say something Jennie spoke again "I'll be on the living room after 30 minutes! Just please, get out of my room!"

Jennie stands up from her bed and went in to her closet room.

"Mmm....It's too formal.....too colorful.....Oh perfect!" Jennie decided to picked her black fitted dress but when pulled she it, there's something fell on the floor. She kneeled down and picked it up.

It's a picture

Their last picture together, 7 years ago

"Wow....A jerk" Jennie mumbled while staring at her ex-girlfriend's face.

She stared at it for a few minutes but when Irene entered her room and called her, she didn't think twice and quickly put the picture into her wallet before walking towards the bathroom.


"Jennie please look at me!"

"Jennie smile here!"

"Jennie I love you!"



Jennie's fansites shouted, trying to catch the Idol's attention for better shots but Jennie didn't look at them. She just walked pass them, she's not in the mood to interract with them but someone's voice stopped her from her track.

"Jendeukie! Look at me!"

Even though the place is very loud because of the photographers' voice she still managed to hear the familiar voice. A familiar voice thats she used to love, the voice that made her heart flatter back then, the voice that belongs to a person who hurted her.

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