Jisoo was doing her best to avoid looking at the old woman infront of her. She felt uncomfortable with Chaerin, she wanted to asked her but she doesn't have a lot of confidence to say it loud.
"Jisoo, I wanted to talk with you so please stop looking around" Chaerin firmly said making Jisoo nods and nervously looked into the Old CEO's eyes
"Good afternoon Mrs. Kim" Jisoo stands up and bowed
"I just wanted to say something" Chaerin said, completely ignored the Younger one's greeting
Jisoo cleared her throat and drank the water.
"I just wanted to say sorry" Chaerin mumbled, Jisoo tried her best not to spilled the water from her mouth. "Jiyong told me what you did to my Company"
"What Company? And you know sir Jiyong?" Jisoo confusedly asked making Chaerin knitted her eyebrows
"He's my husband, he didn't told you?"
"Oh! Really? Y-you're his wife?" Jisoo asked again
"Yeah....is there something wrong about it?" Chaerin asked as she crossed her arms and raised her right eyebrow, Jisoo gulps and shooks her head immediately
"No Mrs. Kim! I-Im just asking" Jisoo looked down at her feet as she felt embarrassed infront of her girfriend's mother.
There's a few moment of silence between the two of them but not until Jisoo realized something.
"Wait! If you're Jennie's Mom and she is Sir Jiyong's daughter....then it means....."
Chaerin rolled her eyes, she knew Jisoo as a smart ass kid since then but she never thought that the Director will become a dumb when it comes to logic.
"Jennie is our daughter" Chaerin said making Jisoo's widen, mouth was open
"What the heck?" Jisoo mumbled, she's getting anxious on how will Jennie react on the event tomorrow if she saw her partner is her girlfriend.
"And sorry for what I did. From the past and until now"
Jisoo nearly passed out as she heard Chaerin's statement
"Jiyong told me what you and your team did for my Conpany. Im really really sorry for breaking you and Jennie apart. Sorry for the recent issue about Jennie and Kai....." tears started to flow down to Chaerin's cheeks and Jisoo doesn't know what she would do ".....I just don't like you for Jennie since then because Im afraid that you might do what Jiyong did back then. He left us.....I don't wanna see Jennie crying again."
Jisoo sighed and sat beside Chaerin, she reached the older girl's hand and gently squeezed it.
"Mrs. Kim, what you did on me and Jennie back then was just part of our past now. I don't care about it anymore because...." Jisoo knew Jennie might get mad at her when she told Chaerin truth but she wanted to fix their family "....me and Jennie got back together so that's what important to me now"
"You're already forgiven Mrs. Kim" Jisoo smiled when Chaerin nods and hugged her
"Im really really sorry Jisoo" Chaerin sobs, Jisoo pat her back while the smile on her lips never leave "And thank you for what you did for my Company and for bringing happiness to my daughter's life"
"You're always welcome Mrs. Kim"
Chaerin pulled away and wiped her tears
"Stop calling me Mrs. Kim, just call me Mom because from now on...." Chaerin smiled and cupped the director's cheeks ".....You have my bless for marrying my Jennie"

Mean It
FanfictionWhy you let those words come out your mouth If you don't mean it?