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"Mom, Im sorry. I cannot give my salary for this month to you. No! It's not like that Im mad or whatever to you, I just need to pay some bills. Mom...please......Okay. I'll send it to your bank account. Mmm...Love you Mom." Jennie sighed as she put back her phone on her bag.

Irene who's fully recovered now sat beside her on the couch, she gave the idol a 'What the heck was that?' Look.

"You'll give your salary to your mom? Again?" Irene asked with a hint of annoyance, Jennie nods. "You know what Jen, I know you just wanted to pay your Mom's kindness and Sacrifices by giving her whatever she wants but she's way too much now! She's always taking your salary! You're working hard not just for your mother's sake but for your future family too"

Jennie doesn't feel offended, she knew that Irene really yhates her mother. It's not new to hear Her manager's rants about Chaerin.

"You're her daughter, you're a human! Not an ATM machine!"

Jennie didn't replied, she just looked at her phone while staring at her account's balance. She's already 7 years in the media industry but she's still not that rich like the artist that she grew up with.

She felt embarrass and disappointed for herself. She felt worthless.

"Yah!" Irene cupped her cheeks and looked sternly at her "Stop thinking that you're worthless, bitch!" She said like she's reading the younger girl's mind.

Jennie smiled, she's happy that Irene is there for her. She's always there to support her.

"Let me hug you" Irene mumbled and pulled her for a hug "Jen, promise me that this will be the last time that you'll give your money to your Mom. You have your own life, you're old enough to make decisions that will make you happy"

Jennie cannot speak, she's not sure if she will listen to her manager or she will just stay as her mom's puppet.

"Jennie" Irene slightly shook her

"Ok. Ok" Jennie mumbled with a smile, she hugged her manager back and buried her face on her shoulder "Thanks for always being there for me Rene. Don't leave me huh! Stay with me forever." Irene chuckled.

"Of course I'll be there for you! I'll be your first and last manager!" Irene quickly pulled from the hug as she remember something.

"I have something to tell to you!" Jennie saw how Irene blushed as she say those words, she sat on the floor and placed her elbow above the couch, chin is putted on her palm.

"Spill it." Jennie never saw this kind of Irene so she's very interested to know what is the reason behind it.

"So uhm....remember when the doctor told you that I passed out on the Hospital? There was a girl who helped me. She's very pretty and handsome at the same time, a girl crush to be exact. I know Im just a stranger to her and vice versa but I cannot help but to feel happy....c-cause uhm....after helping me after I got unconscious...s-she.....oh fuck why it's so hard to explain it!" Jennie let out a soft chuckle as she saw how annoyed Irene is.

"Shut up Kim." Jennie quickly shuts her mouth when Irene sends her a death glare. "Okay I'll continue it now. She stayed on my room and watched me until I wake up. She brought me food and fed me!"

"So? Why are you shouting?" Irene shoved the younger girl's shoulder when she asked her with a teasing smile

"Im just wondering why is she like that!" Jennie smirked, still teasing her manager. "Oh c'mon Jennie! She's not my crush!"

Jennie covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed

"I didn't say anything! Why are you so defensive?"

"I know that look Kim, Im not stupid just for you to know" Irene rolled her eyes

"Okay! Okay! Im sorry!" Jennie said, she raised her both arms "It's just new to my sight to see you like that"

"Like what?"

Jennie leaned closer to the older one's ear and whispered. "Like you already found your prince charming." Irene gritted her teeth and smack the back of the Idol's head "Yah! Why are you hurting me?!" Jennie whined while rubbing her head

Irene shook her head and turned the TV on. She's thankful that Jennie finally shut her mouth and joined her watching.

"Jennie Kim and BKM Films working together for a Drama" Irene read the news' headline

Jennie heard a gasped escape from Irene's mouth so she turned around to face her

"BKM Films is one of the most popular and the best film company on Japan" Jennie said but Irene didn't heard anything, her attention was focused on the picture that is flashed on the screen.

"T-That girl" Irene pointed a particular girl on the picture, Jennie traced the older one's index finger and saw whom she's pointing it.

"What's with her?" Jennie asked as she stared at Seulgi

"She's that girl. The girl that I met in the hospital." Jennie's eyes gor widen after hearing what Irene said.

She cupped the older girl's shoulder and started shaking her body

"Stop yourself from falling for her" Jennie said with a stern voice

"Yah! I just find her pretty handsome! It's not like that I like her already!" Irene said, eyes are widen too. But deep inside she knew that her feelings for the chief editor is different.

"Good then" Jennie let a loud sighed in relief.

Seulgi is her friend and she loves her but she loves Irene more. She cannot let the chief editor hurt and add her manager on her girls collection. She wanted Irene to find someone who's willing to give his/her whole heart to her not a playgirl like Seulgi.


"This song has a dark aura" Jisoo commented after hearing Baekhyun's song "I think we should put a sexy and not so girly concept on it." The team nods

"Oooohhh....so it means we will see Jennie with sexy outfits?" Lisa said as she blew a whistle "That's interesting.... and a good view for you Leadernim"

"Lisa is right! Im starting to imagine what will Jisoo looks like while watching her ex" Jongdae teased while tapping his pen on his temple.

Jisoo on the other hand, cannot help but to sigh on her friends' silliness.

"Im not sure if Im able to go on the music video shooting. Im too busy right now" Jisoo said while flipping random papers on.

"What??? If you're not gonna go there...what about our Jensoo moments?!" Baekhyun whined

"Jensoo?" Sometimes Jisoo asked herself why does she hanging out with this kind of people.

"Jennie plus Jisoo. Jensoo" Lisa said with a grin

"They're crazy" Seulgi mumbled that earned a thumbs up from Jisoo

"Oh Seul, can please call Jennie's manager? We need to know Jennie's schedule so we could start recording next week" Jongdae said as he passed a small piece of paper to Seulgi

"Okaaaaaay" Seulgi said as she picked up the paper and slid it in her pocket.

"Lisa, start giving the drama script to other selected actors/actresses so they could read it before giving them the contract." Lisa nods

"Baek, make sure that you'll not take an absent while Jennie is recording. She needs your guide." Jisoo ignored the teasing smile that Baekhyun shots to her

"Seul, start making the concept script and find the places where we will shoot the music video"

"And Chen, you're the one who will find the locations where we could film our drama"

"I'll start contacting different companies for the promotion ads" and with that, Jisoo ended the meeting.

All of them walks out of the building and start doing their assigned jobs.

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