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"Ah! It's been 7 years Korea!!" Jongdae shouts when he stepped out from their private plane.

"Gosh. I missed my home country" Seulgi mumbled making Lisa giggled

"We're going to stay here for almost 8 months so let's enjoy our every single day. We don't know when we could go back here again" Lisa said while placing their bags on the cart. Seulgi smiled and fished out her phone out her pocket, she called Jisoo and Baekhyun so they could fetch them from the airport.

"Look guys! There's a lot of reporters there!" Chen pointed the entrance door, there are a lot security guards that is blocking the way for the reporters. "Told yah! We're pretty famous here!"

"You're right..." Seulgi sighed and looked at him "...How did you know?"

Chen laughed and crossed his arms, his eyes are still focused on the crowd.

"Well...we're famous because of our personal and solo careers...like Im famous for being a singer, you and Lisa for being dancers and Baekhyun for being a vlogger." Chen muttered and opened his arms like he's going to fly.

"AAHHHHHH!" Lisa screamed when she saw two familiar figures

"Oh they're here!" Seulgi waved her hand, Baekhyun waved back and sprint towards them.

"I MISSED YOU GUYS! IT'S BEEN 15 DAYS!!" Chen, Seulgi, Lisa and Baekhyun pulled each other for a group hug.

"You're a bunch of idiots" They heard Jisoo mumbled, Seulgi smirked and pulled their leader. "Yah! You guys are squeezing my body! Agh!" Jisoo groaned as her team tighten the hug.

"Oh c'mon leader-nim! We just missed you!" Lisa exclaimed and kissed the older girl's cheek, Jisoo showed a make face and pushed them away from her.

"Gosh! You're disgusting guys! So gross!" Jisoo said while brushing the invisible dust on her coat

"Leader-nim! We're hungry! Please treat us!" Seulgi joked, she threw her arms around their leader's shoulder and gave her a kiss on Cheek

"Yah! Can you guys please stop kissing me—YAH!" Jisoo shouted when Chen and Baekhyun kissed her both cheek.

"RUN GUYS!!!" Lisa yelled and starts running along with her other teammates. The four of them runs like a bunch of kids towards their Van while Jisoo looks like a Father who fetched her kids from school, she's pushing the cart that has their bags.

"They're so annoying" Jisoo mumbled. When she reached the Van, she transferred the bags into the backseat then hops in the driver's seat. "We're going to a ramen house" Jisoo informed, she clungs the seatbelt on her and starts driving.

"The BKM Film's owners; Byun Baekhyun, Kim Chen, Lisa Manoban and Kang Seulgi are finally completed here in Korea! A lot of people are excited for their up coming projects. The businessmen and businesswomen never failed to amused their fans with their stunning visuals but someone also caught people's attention, it is the team's personal employee that helps them for carrying their bags—"

"Oh my god! HAHAHAHA Shit! My stomach hurts!" Lisa laughed while holding her tummy

"Personal employee?! HAHAHAHA" Baekhyun joined

Jisoo looked at them through the mirror, she's so done with them.

"I told you Leader-nim, reveal yourself now so people will not recognize you as our personal employee only" Seulgi chuckled

Jisoo rolled her eyes and changed the radio station.

"Byun Baekhyun, a famous singer-music producer from Japan made a new song and offered it to a famous idol! Who do you think that idol is?"

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