Chapter 11 - Special Chapter

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Juanito, what's the Mata? 

Chapter 11 - Special Chapter

Juan's P.O.V.

               I was watching Cristina talking to my cousin. It felt amazing to see her getting along with my family. Her blonde hair was in a braid pulled to her right shoulder. She was wearing a pink shirt with white pants. She looked towards me and smiled. I felt so happy to be back home even if it was for just a few days. I was also glad my mother didn't bring out the baby pictures.

              "When are you going to do it?" I heard my mom ask me.

              "What are you talking about?" I said trying to act like I didn't know. She knew I was acting and kissed my forehead.

              "You know you sister is so happy." My mom started to say and sat down next to me. "You and cristina make her believe in true love." She said now looking Cristina's way. "That's why she tried so hard to get your two back together. You are happier when she is in your life. Don't ever leave her again." She said pulling me into a hug.

              "I won't mom."  I said caresing my mother's hair. "and I'm scared she might say no." It felt greeat to tell someone about how I was feeling. 

              "Why would she?" My mother asked. "She loves you."

              "Because I left her once mom." I tried my best to not start hating myself. "I hurt her." I tried my best to not cry. I looked at Cristina who was now sitting with Paula and they were talking. 

              "Show her how comitted you are." She said playing with my hair. "Here." She said handing me her ring.

              "Isn't this grandmother's ring?" I asked completely surprised because this was my mother's favorite ring.

              "Yes, she'll love it." My mom said pulling me into a hug. 

               "Thank you mom." I said with a sigh.


              I was in my room getting ready for the match. I had invited Cristina but she prefered to stay home and watch girly movies with my mother and sister. I was almost ready when I heard the door to my room open. I  looked to find my sister by the door with her curly hair in a bun. She smiled at me.

              "How are you going to do it?" Paula asked sitting on my bed.

              "Mom told you?" She nodded. "She told me a couple of things about you." I said sitting next to her.

              "I still haven't found my Cristina." She said resting her head on my shoulder. "What if I don't have one?" She said looking up at me.

              "You will." I said pulling my little sister closer to me. "I love you lil sis." I said kissing her forehead.

              "I love you too." She said messing up my hair. "You shouldn't make the whole thing into a big deal. Cristina wouldn't  like that at all." She said standing up.

              "Don't tell me you want to plan it?" I said and she smiled.

              "No." She said about to leave. "You'll know when to ask her." she said opening the door and disappearing into the hallway.


             For the past week I've had the weight of that ring in my pocket. I didn't want to leave it in my apartment because maybe Cristina could find it. I arriving at the training ground when I bumped into David Luiz.

             "Juanito, what's the Mata?" He said with a laughed and followed to high five me.

             "Hey David." I responded. "I just have a lot of things on my mind." I said not trying to sound complicated but in the end I did.

            "Does it have to do with that lovely girlfriend of yours?" He asked and pulled his arm around my shoulder. 

            "Why do you always assume it's something about her?" I said trying to shrug off from his arm. 

            "Because recently that is all you think about." He said with a smile. "We all know about that ring in your pocket, Juanin." He said as we entered the locker room.

            "It's just... how do you know you are ready?" I asked and I knew he wouldn't know how to answer my question. "Do you wake up one morning and think I want to marry this girl or something like that?" I really hoped someone would answer my question.

            "Something like that." John Terry said as he got dressed. I turn to him with a confused stare. "You see youself spending the rest of your life with Cristina, right?" I nodded and he continued. "Then you will want to marry her some day, maybe you are just not ready." 

            "I just feel pressure, from my family to marry her. I don't even know." I said sitting on the bench for a second. 

            "I've got a silly idea," David Luiz said and from his tone I pretty much pictured what he could be talking about. "You know we play against Manchester United this weekend, if we win then it means you are ready... if we lose then you are not." He said with a laugh then patted my back. 

            "But we play them during the week too," I said all confused.

            "now which match you want to chose is all up to you." He said with a wink. 

Juanito, what's the Mata? ~*~ A Juan Mata Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now