Chapter 4: Sam

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Sam had done his research on Star City when he had planned this trip with Dean. He had thought that the reputation of the Glades might have been exaggerated and that it just wasn't as wealthy as the rest of that billionaires-filled city. Unfortunately, as he drove through it, he could easily see that it had earned its reputation.

He wasn't afraid, some bad kids wanting to make extra money by stealing baby would be in for a rude awakening when he was done with them. After dealing with monsters, angels, demons, and leviathans, those tugs seemed quite armless. And didn't need a special kind of bullets to feel pain.

Suddenly, as he's thinking about how this could have become this bad, he spots a guy cross the street right in front of him and abruptly break. 3 more tugs go cross right after, obviously pursuing the poor guy in the red hoodie that had been there a few seconds earlier.

I hope he gets out of it without too much pain he thinks as he drives on. He was determined to as Dean said for once, and "stay out of trouble". He didn't need his brother to unleash hell upon the Glades to find him and Baby if he disappeared. Because that's definitely what would happen and it wouldn't be pretty. For anyone.

He passed in front of an old Queen Consolidated metal shop in front of which he could see another building being built. From what he had read, it was opening soon and was own by Oliver Queen. 

And if the rumors about him being the vigilante were right, the guy was a special kind of bold. Or stupid. Or bold. An interesting combination he too often saw in his brother. But to name his club the color his suit apparently was, that was just taunting the police. And Sam liked that.

A gun-shot suddenly broke the silence, startling Sam, who instinctively duck, making him abruptly break. Around two hundred meters further down the street, a group of people was circling a guy

At that moment, even with Dean's voice telling him to stay out of trouble in his head, Sam could only curse, grab a pistol and step on it. Baby immediately roared as it charged the thugs.

They obviously noticed and turned toward the car. One of them takes out a gun but Sam slides the window down and opens fire, making them run out of there quickly.

He stops and gets out, looking out for any douchebags wanting to play dirty. When the coast seems clear, he hurries to the poor bastard's side and briefly looks him over.

The guy is holding his leg in pain, bloodstain getting bigger on his jeans.

"Hey! Hey! I'm Sam, what's your name?"

"R-Roy. Roy Harper."

"Alright, Roy. I'm going to get you out of here. Think you cand stand with some help?"

"Help me get up and I'll walk home"

"What? You can't walk anywhere alone with your leg like that!" Sam says as he helps him up

"It's not that far. I'll be fine"

"How close is it, I'll take you there."

"It usually takes me 2 hours, so should be there in 4 or 5"

"Yeah right. I'm driving you there. Come on!"

"You shouldn't help me. It'll only bring you trouble"

"Trust me. It's not these thugs that'll make me afraid. I've seen far worse" assure the hunter as he opens the door

"Yeah? I guess that would explain why there are three guns on your back seat."

Surprise, Sam check to find out that there is, in fact, three shot-guns in Baby's back. "I'm surprised you could see them in just a look," says Sam as he gets on the passenger side

"It's a necessary skill down here. Sometimes it's the only income I make"

"That's reassuring to know I've invited a robber in my car," he says grimly and drive away before the thugs come back

"I get the feeling there has been much worse than a robber like me on these seats"

"How would you know?"

"I don't know. Call it a feeling. A hunch. Whatever you want. Somethings tells me this Impala would have a long story to tell if it could talk."

All Sam can do is snort at just how right Roy's gut feeling is. "You wouldn't know."

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