Chapter 8 - Sam

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When Sam woke up the next day, the first thing he heard was Dean's voice saying "Thanks man" and a door closing. When he raised from the mattress, he cleared his vision to see his brother holding a pizza box.

"You ordered pizza for breakfast?"

"It's past eleven," said Dean as he shrugged his shoulders "Good morning by the way"

"Good morning"

"So did you catch Robin Hood? You were gone a long time"

"No. I played vigilante."

"What? You shot robbers with arrows?"

"Vigilante don't all use bow and arrows. And I just saved a guy from being robbed. Or murdered even"

"So much for staying out of trouble huh?"


"You hungry?"

"Sure!" said Sam as he got up "I'll be back in a sec," he said,  picking his bag

About 15 minutes later, he came back from the bathroom to find Dean reading news about a fire. "What are you checking?" 

"A firefighter mysteriously died some days ago"

"Okay? What's strange about that?"

"An anonymous reporter published a part of the coroner's office report. Here"

Dean turned the computer toward him and grabbed another piece of pizza while his brother read. And Sam had to admit, something didn't add up.

"That makes no sense."

"What does?"

"It says here that the fire didn't exceed 250 degrees. And, back in school, we had an exercise case where a person in Chicago's Fire Departement had bought untested and cheaper fire gear. The point is, I learned that the firemen's coat can handle about 500 degrees."

Sam could almost see the wheels turn in Dean's brain "So the guy burned hotter than the fire that killed him?"

Sam nodded, wondering what that could mean "I'm no expert, but maybe a chemical in the facility served as accelerant" he hypothesized 

"What product could make a firefighter burn fast enough for him to be unable to react and reach that temperature" asked Dean

"Well, why don't we check it out?"

"What about staying out of trouble?"

"You brought two girls here yesterday night and I saved a kid from being killed. I don't think we even really know how to relax"

"Touché" mumbled Dean, standing up to walk toward his home laptop's case

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