Chapter 9 - Oliver

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When Oliver got home that evening, it was to hear his mother's voice saying "Surely there are contingencies for these types of situations. Bring someone from our London office, perhaps."

However, he didn't recognize the man to whom the voice that answered her belonged to. "It's not only a matter of the day to day operations. We have accountants and the vice-presidents to do that. It's about perception. Public confidence."

"Ned, the company will be fine" assured Oliver's mother as he entered the room, walking behind the couch on which the man was seated.

"I don't mean to be indelicate, but this is the second time in five years that the CEO of Queen Consolidated has vanished under mysterious circumstances."

That seemed to trigger something in the Queen's matriarch as she got up, her closed-up expression suddenly taking place on her face. "I don't need you to remind me of that"

The so-called Ned sighed and stood up as well, having probably understood that his time was up "The last thing I want to do is upset you"

"Well, then you should consider this visit doubly disappointing. Good day"

Then man sighed again as he walked out, stopping a little second as he saw Oliver, probably unaware of his presence until now.

"Who was that" asked Oliver when he was gone

"Ned Foster. The COO of the company"

"He wants mom to take Walter's place" explained Thea

"He says that the company's stock price has been damaged by Walter's... absence. And my stepping-in would help settle the board. But I told him that I needed to be at home, for my family"

"Mom..." began Oliver "Thea and I are fine. We can manage here without you. This sound like something everyone needs you to do"

Yet again, something was triggered in his mother, as her calm demeanor suddenly vanished "Well, maybe I don't care what everyone needs". She then walked out of the room, barely sparing a glance to him 

Oliver went to say something but thought better of it, sighting silently. When Thea fidgeted on her feet, however, he felt the need to voice something "She's going to be all right Thea"

His little sister didn't seem the least bit convinced but before either one of them could say something, Diggle arrived

"Mr. Queen, we're going to have to get going if you want to make your dentist appointment"

When Oliver eyed him with reticence, he insisted "Now, sir"

 Finally, Oliver conceded and nodded to him to walk out. When they were in the corridor, Diggle started explaining "Eyewitnesses place a '79 Ford Pick Up at the scene of Danny De La Vegas fire"


"Stagg chemical lit up then minutes ago. I hacked into Stagg's video security feeds. Parked right on the street running along the plant"

"The same pick up" concluded Oliver

"I got your gear in the car"

Oliver suddenly stopped at that, feeling very not sure about going back into the action as the Hood. Diggle realized it but didn't waste any time.

"Oliver, by the time I get someone on the phone who will even listen to me, at least one of those firemen are going to be dead. They need the man in the hood."

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