Chapter 14 - Oliver

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When the two men were gone, Oliver walked down the stairs, only to find a very shocked John Diggle. 

"How did those two get in here? I thought you had placed a security system"

"I did' assured Oliver as he took his hood down

"Then how did he figured out to unlock the door?"

"I don't know, Diggle. I'll upgrade it" he assured as he walked toward the wooden case where he stored his suit

Diggle's eyebrow raised suddenly, a skeptic look in his eyes "Or you could just leave like that"


"I mean. From the look of it, we might not be coming back here often in the near future"

Oliver sighed and shook his head "Diggle, not now"

"Then when Oliver?" Diggle shot back, only for Oliver's phone to ring

Oliver took it from his pocket and quickly read the text "Text from Tommy" he said, internally glad for the escape his friend had unknowingly given him. Diggle too seemed to understand that it was over, as he knowingly nodded.

"I need to run an errand for the benefit at the firemen's station," Oliver said, taking his coat 

"Maybe while you're at it, you can let me know if you still want to a vigilante or just a nightclub owner."

Later, as he was walking out of the fire station, Oliver was kind of surprised to see Laurel walking up to it. "Hey" he greeted from afar

She had already closed the distance between them by the time she looked up, his presence seemingly startling her a little. "What are you doing here?" Oliver asked

She got her composure back quickly, however, "I told Joanne I'd clean out Danny's locker. And you?"

"Tommy sent me over to make sure the guestlist for the firemen's gala was accurate"

Laurel nodded "Tommy's been working very hard on that. It's very generous of you, Oliver"

"It's truly not" Oliver humbled before Laurel walked past him

The thought suddenly coming back to him, he laughed a little as he said "Speaking of Tommy, he told me that you're being very protecting of your drawers"

However, seeing her unamused face, he quickly explained "That is not a fancy term for your underwear"

"Are you and I seriously having this discussion?"

"Well, we're friends"

After a second, Laurel gave in "Yes, Tommy asked for a drawer"

"And this is bad?" asked Oliver, a little confused

"No" Laurel shook her head "It's just... I'm an all or nothing type of girl. First, it's a drawer, then it's a closet, half my sent, it's half my life. Am I really ready to do that with Tommy?"

"You could take it slow"

"I don't take things slow, remember? I close my eyes and I jump. Just like you. I think that's why we spooked each other"

And even though he didn't want to admit it,  Oliver couldn't agree more as Laurel continued "Our feelings... Our fears, they control us, it's not the other way around. You know"

And this time, Oliver did voice his agreement "Yeah"

Probably as weary of this conversation then he was, Laurel, made herself an escape "I have to get inside". She then quickly turned around and headed inside the place.

Oliver too turned around, walking toward his motorcycle when his phone rang. He picked it up and answered immediately when he saw Tommy's name pop-up on the screen.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Hey, how did it go at the fire station?"

"All good. The list is spot on."

"Perfect! I'll finish the order with the caterer."

"Hey, could you add two others?"

"Sure, who is it?"

"I added a little more security. I have felt something might happen. A man was nearly killed in the street a few nights back. I don't want anything like that to happen during the gala"

"Good thinking! Alright, I'll add that. Want to see the final papers before?"

"No, I'm sure they're perfect."


"No problem."

"Hey huh, I know this might be awkward to ask but could you make sure Laurel doesn't get in over her head with the chief?"

"The chief?"

"Yeah, she said that she had something to ask him about an old fire"

"I see," said Oliver, internally sighting at how easily Laurel seemed to be able to lie to him. Not that he was any better... "Sure, I'll go back and see if everything is alright"

"Thanks, man. You know how she always just jump in trouble"

"We might have something to do with that" chuckled Oliver

"I absolutely don't know what you are talking about," Tommy said with a playfully sarcastic voice

"Of course not" Oliver shook his head "Anyway, I'll see later," Oliver said, hanging up

When he got back, Oliver barely had the time to catch Laurel saying "-in the Nodell Tower tragedy."

Chief Raynes seemed almost relieved to see him when he said "Did you forget something, Mr. Queen?"

"Just wanted to see if my friend there needed some help" Oliver made up "What was the Nodell Tower?"

"How do you not remember that?"

"I was Wifi-free for a... few years"

Chief Raynes sighed "It was 22 stories of glass and steel. Except it turned out that the construction company that built it used substandard materials to save themselves a few bucks. It was nowhere near the structural code."

"Gaz line blew." Laurel continued "There was a fire"

"Yeah" agreed the fireman "Melted right through the stanchions. Whole damn this came down"

"Bad day" commented Laurel

"24 civilians and 6 of my fellow firemen died. Do you need anything else, Ms. Lance?" asked the fire Chief, clearly not in the mood to continue this conversation "Other than reminding me of all the friends I've lost and buried?"

Not waiting for an answer, the man walked passed Oliver and Laurel. The lawyer seemed clearly frustrated and walked out.

Still needing to play along, he caught up with her in the fire station's driveway

"Hey!" he called out as he was almost by her side "What was that all about?"

"It was nothing, Oliver. I have to go" she said, clearly dismissing him

Seeing her reach in her coat's pocket, he guessed that she was about to call the Vigilante. He quickly spun around and walked away, putting as much distance as he could between them

He had only walked a few feets away before he felt the burner vibrate in his pocket. However, it was only once he was on the other side of the street that he answered.

"Hello?" greeted Laurel "Are you there?"

He did not answer but she seemed to catch on that he wouldn't and continued "I spoke to Danny's old chief. I didn't get anywhere. What am I supposed to do now?"

"Nothing." he simply answered "It's my turn"

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