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George wrapped his arm around my waist as we sat down at the carnival. The lights were bright and families ran around us, their children with smiles plastered on their faces, the parents watching their kids fondly. Couples walked around, hands entwined with each others'.

I looked up at George as he happily devoured his funnel cake and cotton candy. I grinned, seeing a striking similarity to that of a child, a small laugh escaping me as I did so. He turned toward me with his puppy-like behavior, tilting his head but grinning nonetheless.

I shook my head and he only shot me one of his blinding smiles, before going back to his meal. I leaned against his side, indulging in the warmth it brought me.

We were together for two years now, me completing courses online and George working happily under Mrs. Matten to help his mother out. I always asked him why he didn't go back to school, but he only waved it off. I can always make some money to help ma out without a degree.

I shook my head whenever he said that, but allowed him to carry on. It wasn't my choice to make him go to school. But he seemed so happy working at Mrs. Matten's, it made me happy.

"I love you." I whispered to him quietly.

He turned towards me and hummed in question. I nodded at him to continue eating and the did. But not before saying out loudly, "I love you, too."

I blushed and buried my face into his side in embarrassment. I felt him jerk and then a gasp. I quickly removed myself and looked in worry. Until I saw his cotton candy on the floor and his pout.

"My cotton candy." He whispered sadly, looking at it with such intensity that I shuddered.

"Hey, it's ok. I can go buy you another one." He only pouted and nodded his head.

"Let me clean this up, then."

His arms slipped away from around my waist and I pulled out the paper map of the carnival to try and find the cotton candy stand that they had, only seeing that it was almost across the carnival. I pulled down the map and my jaw dropped.

Here he was, on one knee and a small black box open with a shining ring. At that moment, it seemed as if time had stopped and it was only us in the moment.

"Matthias, we have been through thick and thin. From the first time that I heard your voice to the time that we managed to find each other in Illinois, I knew that it was fate for us to meet. You have been the best person I've had the pleasure of meeting and I wondered how I could ever meet someone so perfect like you. I hated every day that we were out of touch and apart. But I can hold you now and I never want to let you go."

His words made my eyes water up with tears as my hands covered my mouth in shock.

"So will you do the honors of staying by my side for a lifetime and make me the happiest man in the world?"

I nodded my head when words couldn't escape my mouth and I pounced at him, engulfing him in a hug.

"Yes, yes, yes." I sniffed my tears away and took a step back, looking at him with all the love I could muster up. "Fuck, I love you so fucking much."

He slipped the ring on my ring finger, touching his forehead to mine with a smile.

"I love you, too."

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