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"Excuse me, but are you alright?
You've been staring for some time now."

No, there was no way.


All this time, and he was right
here in front of me?

"Uh, perhaps I should just take a seat and wait?

No fucking way. What kind of cruel
universe was doing this to me?

"Ok, then..."

Before he could make it far, I called out,
"Excuse me!"
He turned around.
"Are you really Matthias Fitzmond?

"Yes? That's what I just said."

"It's me!"
My eyes began to water and my voice came out cracked.
"It's George."
His eyes widened and his face filled with shock
as his hands covered his mouth.

"No, it can't be."

His head shook in disbelief as I
grinned and opened my arms.
"It's really me."
He ran over and wrapped his arms
around mine, our bodies entangled in each other's.

"I missed you so much. fuck,"
I whispered to him.
It was more than anything in my imagination
to be able to have him here with me.

His head poked up and he looked at me,
eyes soft as he whispered back fondly,
"I missed you too. I didn't know what I was doing without you there."
He nuzzled his face back into my chest
and I looked down at him with a soft smile.

"I wasn't doing to well when you weren't here other,"
I admitted offhandedly.
It was in the past now, but I knew that I was
in a bad state. I could only imaging what
he was going through, being on the news and all.

"As much as I love this sight, I hope
that you can give this boy his flowers, George."

Mrs. Matten's voice made my head shoot up.
I had forgotten about that. I quickly let Matthias
out of my embrace but still kept a hand on the
small of his back. I gave a sheepish grin.

"I'll get right to it, Mrs. Matten."

She only raised a brow and gave a
knowing smile before turning on her heels
and heading to the back of the shop.

I turned back to him and brought myself
close to him, talking to him softly.
"I'll see you after my shift ends.
I'm off in a few hours.
You can always come back."

"I can't wait for your shift to end, then."
He looked up at me with a cheeky smile.

I grinned right back at him. "I'll be waiting."

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