11. the underlying twinkle

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"What do I have to do to make you love me?" - Elton John 

They walked to the bus stop with their hands still intertwined. Part of him wanted to release his hand from her hold, but the rest of him wanted to cherish the moment. 

was this even a moment?

He couldn't help the redundant thoughts that made him question his sanity more and more each day. Who was he to her? They only hung out once, it wasn't like she was obligated to commit to him right then and there. But he couldn't help but wonder if she felt what he did. That underlying twinkle that was disguised by shy smiles and stolen glances. He just couldn't figure her out, and wondered if she even knew who she was. She opened up to him that day, maybe she was waiting for him to do the same. 

There was just something about her, and he felt like he could pinpoint each one. There was no going back, he was fascinated by her. Each little glimpse that he would discover would allure him even more. Each scar that her body has endured, she wore so elegantly. Each tear that escaped her eyes, contracted his heart and overwhelmed him with this need to protect her. 

but you can't protect her can you?

"Why are you so quiet?" Her voice was softer this time, like velvet. It was then when Jacian realized what it was about her that had him mesmerized. 

She was everything. 

Somehow she was able to be anything. She was the type of person that was able to overlook the fact that there really wasn't any statutes or regulations stopping her from becoming who she wants to do. She was known as the basket case, yet she was so smart. She was beautiful, but her eyes held a thousand sad tales. Her outfits were provocative, but she wasn't a slut. 

this is why she drives me crazy.

"I'm just thinking." He managed to say. 

"Well," Arabella released their hands, much to his disappointment, "I just wanted to thank you, you didn't have to do that for me in class today."

"Oh, don't flatter yourself Bella," Jacian chuckled, "I did it purely to get out of class."

"Well either way, thank you."

"Nah, don't stress it." He craved for her hand is his again, but he was extra careful not to show it. "So, are we going to discuss the fact that we've already been waiting at this damned bus stop for over 5 minutes and you still have yet to pull out a cigarette?"

"Oh yeah, about that," Arabella tucked her hair behind her ear as she looked up at him, "I have decided to quit."

To say this shocked him, would have probably been the understatement of the century. Not that he had a problem with her smoking, but he just could not help but wonder what drove this sudden declaration. 

"Quit what? Like, everything?" He tried to sound less bewildered and more supportive. 

"Yeah, no more smoking or popping pills. I'll still drink but only socially, I know my limits anyways." 

"Can I ask why?"

"I think that we established that when I was a sobbing mess the last time we hung out," She chuckled to herself slightly, "I left him. I left him, and I feel like the only way I could truly move on is if I leave his world behind."

"Did you love him?" 

"I mean, I think I did, in a way. Why else would I have stayed with him so long? Only love can make you do something so incredibly stupid. But I can't give you an answer, not when I can't remember what happened and what didn't."

"What do you mean you can't remember?" He had no idea why he asked, he felt as if he already knew the answer. He guessed that he just wanted to hear her say it. To have her voice it out. 

"Oh you know, it's an old tale. Girl does drugs to impress boy, boy turns out to be a dick, girl gets hooked on drugs," Arabella made sudden eye contact and took a step closer to him, "But I won't let the last part happen to me. I got this right?"

"I'm sure you do Bella." A sudden surge of pride overwhelmed his heart like a burst of fireworks on the fourth of July. He just couldn't help but feel happy that she is turning her life around, or trying to at least. 

"Keep me accountable, yeah?" She couldn't help but smirk to lighten the mood. There was no need in burdening someone else with her problems. 

"Does this mean i'll be spending more time with you in the foreseeable future?" He had to ask. 

"Yes, of course." Arabella couldn't help but made sure that she watched what she said. She was in a fragile mental state, and to her, Jacian was too pure to harm. He didn't deserve anything that she threw his way and she didn't even deserve his time. Yet, she sees herself feeling something for him. She sees herself falling if she wasn't careful. After all, what does she even know about him? Sure, he's nice and all, but Malik was nice too once upon a time. 

The bus came into view and the pair got up, taking out their bus cards in the process. Jacian had no idea where she was taking him, or when they established the fact that she was in charge of this so called adventure. He followed her anyways, trying to figure out who this puzzle mistaken for a girl is. 

"What kinds of movies do you like?" She suddenly said out of nowhere, as she was browsing through the movie showtimes as if it were as random as the weather. 

"Uh, anything that isn't horror." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 

"So, you're totally cool with a sad movie?" Jacian released a breath of relief when she asked that. He didn't even realize how hesitant he was, but it was embarrassing right? He was a guy. It is usually the girls that are scared of scary movies. That is like, how every cliche movie date goes. 

"Yes ma'am." He said. 

"Alright, fantastic! So there is this theatre basically shows old movies too, so you wouldn't believe what I found." 

"I'm sure you'll tell me." He smiled. 

"We're going to watch the pursuit of happiness! I watched this movie so many times, and I hoped you did too because it is just so good." Arabella was bouncing excitedly, this was probably the best thing that had happened to her in the last couple of days. Her favorite movie was playing at this moment, where she was with him. 

That's got to be fate. 

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