Chapter Three : Living Through Cuts

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"Hello. This is Agnes," a soft spoken voice spoke on the second ring and Keaton felt his heart in his throat as he attempted to speak.

"Is there a reason for this call?" she asked after moments of silence

"Yoshitaka... is dead," Keaton finally got out as he tried to breathe but his fear was like a noose tight around his neck pulled taut. He ran a hand through his hair and waited for her response.

"...Impossible....he couldn't be dead....Charlie!" Keaton heard her exclaim between sobs and then there was muffled crying as the phone was passed to someone else.

"What the hell is going on," a panicked shout from a man he could only assume was Charlie Young shouted into his ear.

"I...i'm sorry....he's dead, Yoshitaka is dead." Keaton choked out as he felt his sweat run down his face. He didn't know what to do, he had been resolute in his choice to call them. But the grief in both their voices was raw, painful. A pain he had caused.

"Are you with his body, are you sure it's him," the questions were asked in a frenzy.

"Yes i'm with his body, he is Yoshitaka and he is dead," Keaton said looking back at the body in the bed. The face had already begun to lose some of it's color as the blood stopped flowing.

"We are preparing to come to you, tell me did you kill the son of a bitch who murdered my brother?" Charlie demanded, his voice gone deathly quiet as his growing rage colored everything in his tone.

"No sir, Charlie, sir I, I killed him," Keaton said his voice a little higher then a whisper as the fear mounted in him.

"We have your location, Do not run or I will find you. I personally will find you and kill you. We will be there soon." Charlie said and the line went dead.

Keaton let out a anguished cry as he looked at the body of Yoshitaka and screamed. It was a primal, guttural scream that filled the silent suite. Ten years of life with this man, ten years of his cooked meals, his advice. One year of stolen kisses, hard brutal sex, the stolen touches, all that growing love murdered savagely by the monster between Yoshitaka's legs.

He had said no, that he had needed lube for it. As the scream died in his mouth and he fell to his knees, he remembered it. Yoshitaka had been to see Charlie and whatever had happened there had demasculated him to the point he had had to regain it. So he had practically shoved Keaton through the door way and been on him the moment it had latched inside the doorway. His rough kisses on his neck and face, the old skilled fingers working over the buttons. Keaton had tried to fend him off but he just got rougher.

His fist smashing the bone and skin of Keaton's face happened so suddenly and without warning, the world went dark as the young man closed his eyes. Then burst into brilliant colors and pain as he opened them again. Keaton now, rubbed his eyes, a stillness coming over his body as he looked at the bottom's of Yoshitaka's feet. He remembered the feeling of the rape, and he remembered the relief that came from watching the last breath leave that body. He closed his eyes and waited.

Downstairs ten men in expensive black suits with weapons sewn into the chest of their jackets burst through the doors of the love motel. The outside a older building of brown brick with a cupid with an impish glow shooting the words "Last Heaven Motel" with arrows in colorful neon lights.. They signaled for the hotel clerk to put her hands up. She did so, frightened of the obvious show of force.

Behind them, two beautiful people in differing stages of grief entered the lobby. A tall handsome man with wild brown hair, his reddened eyes and handsome face showed disgust with everything about the hotel. The dark red walls, velvet cushioned seats, the bowl of condoms beside the check in book. Beside him a woman whose straight brown hair almost touched the floor looked with silent agony at the lobby. They walked up to the hotel clerk and it was the woman who asked for the room Yoshitaka Young had stayed in.
The door opened, Keaton was aware of it. He didn't move as thunderous foot steps filled the silence. Rough hands grabbed his arms and he was hoisted to his feet. A sound of pure agony tore from Charlie's mouth as he saw his brother. It was as if a hand had reached inside his chest and gripped his heart and violently pulled it free from it's ventricles. Agnes held her husband as he fell to his knees and grieved the loss. His mouth open in a scream that had grown silent, his handsome face contorted as he wept openly. Agnes understood the scene. She saw the bruises and the broken nose on Keaton and the state of Yoshitaka. Steeling herself with a woman's intuition she spoke.

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