Chapter 16 Part 4 :Underworld

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Keaton's eyes opened as the heat became unbearable across his naked body. His frown grew as he smelled the stale beer and putrid stench of morning breath.  He slowly pushed against the body draped across his broad hairless chest. The sweat stuck skin peeling away from him was unpleasant, but not as unpleasant as the memory of the night before. It came back in flashes, Tomo's determined face over his as his knees were pushed up to his chest. He closed his eyes but couldn't unfeel the small burn between his thighs. This was bad, very bad, he had let his best friend inside him, why would he ever do that? Then the flashes again through a hangover haze. He had been sad about Zhao, lonely, in this room he had never wanted to be back in. He remembers the wet lips sucking on his pulse, the feeling of being full, the heated passion between the two of them, and he turned and gagged.

Suddenly he needed to be in the bathroom before he threw up on his best friend. But Tomo's long thin arms were surprisingly strong. He gritted his teeth as the bile-filled his mouth and he gagged again. He wanted to punch Tomo in his large face but he resisted and instead reached over and pulled on his ear. Tomo shouted something in Chinese as he dashed naked across the room to the bathroom and launched himself at the toilet. Tomo watched the broad back race away from him and a smile grew along his long handsome face.

"Last night had been a good night for his friend." He thought as he lay back on the bed, the pain in his ear was forgotten. The smile fell away to disgust at the sound of Keaton puking.

"Close the door!" He roared and a pitiful deep voice said "Fuck" in response. Tomo smirked, there was zero chance of that happening, ever! He hoped they could be men about the whole thing, it had been fun but he doubted he would ever have sex with a man again. Instead, as he liked to think it was a one off.

Finally, the toilet flushed and the sound of the shower starting came and he closed his eyes. He'd rented the room for two days so why not sleep longer.

Beneath the hot water, Keaton tried to collect his thoughts. The mere mention of the man he loved had caused his tears.  As the water cascaded down his golden skin turning various shades of pink from the heat of the water, he tried to clear it all away.  Zhao's lips on his, with their taste of chocolate and coffee. Tomo's drunken kisses as he held him by his wrists and snapped his hips to drive his cock deeper into Keaton. He moved his head beneath the water and imagined both memories running out of his skin and down to the drain. If only it were that easy.

"Room for one more?" The soft voice asked as the shower curtain was pulled back and Keaton didn't open his eyes as he said,


"But I'm dirty." Tomo drawled out the words laced with implication.

"Mai" Keaton said as he pulled his head back and ran a large hand up to his broad forehead and sweeped the lose strands of hair out of his eyes.

"Stingy fucker." Tomo spat the words and stomped off. Keaton looked through squinted eyes at the spine of his friend showing against the pale wine colored skin. It was tempting to drown his heartbroken mind in another trip on the crazier side of things but he turned the water to ice cold. Hissing at the uncomfortable feeling he grabbed the cheap motel soap, he began to scrub at himself.

In the adjoining area Tomo sat naked on the messy bed with his phone. He scrolled through social media first, checking for any mention of himself.  Someone had of course recorded his and Keaton's floor show and he watched himself in HD and smiled with pride. He did seem to be enjoying kissing another man, he thought with a raised eyebrow.

Keaton came around the corner and Tomo's eyes raked over that six foot five view of nakedness. Keaton had been drying his hair leaving his body exposed. He did this deliberately to torture his annoying friend. Tomo licked his thin lips as watched those wide hips and muscular thighs move as Keaton grabbed his plaid boxers and moved one large hairy foot through it and then the other. Raising them up over his long legs he finally couldn't keep his composure and laughed.

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